Chapter 32 - Don't leave me again, please!!!

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I was crying even harder now and I burst out the door. I ran straight to my room and grabbed my ninja gear. I activated my Eternal Kurai and body flickered to where I found Kisame and some other people.

"So this is where you were, I can't believe you wouldn't tell me" I said and began running towards the entrance but was stopped by two large blades, one held by Kisame and the other by some other fish guy.

"Move" I growled.

"Sorry little girl but I won't move, you can't interfere in Sasuke's revenge" the other fish guy said and I put him in Tsukuyomi. His screams could be heard for miles. I glared at Kisame but he didn't move either so I put him and the other two in Tsukuyomi as well. I barged through and ran up two where the fight had taken place.

What I saw broke my heart. Itachi poked Sasuke and began falling.


End recap

Sasuke's POV


I heard a familiar voice yell.

"Naomi" Itachi whispered as he began falling foward. In a flash Naomi had caught Itachi and was crying her eyes out.

" can't leave me!!!!! Y-you promised!!" She cried.

"I-I'm sorry N-Naomi" Itachi choked out and poked her forehead,

"I couldn't.....k-keep my......p-promise" he smiled then went limp in her arms.

She began crying even harder.

"ITACHI, NO WAKE UP!!!! ITACHI!!!" She screamed while shaking him. I swear I could see purple chakra emitting from her.


"HES DEAD" I yelled at her.

"I killed him. I've finally avenged the clan." I finished and she looked up and glared at me.

"I'LL KILL YOU!" She yelled and was engulfed in purple chakra. It covered Itachi as well and 4 tiger like tails formed like a chakra cloak. She also now had a purple streak in her hair and her teeth had grown longer as well as having some new Sharingan in her eyes. I stood still in shock and fear. What is she? This is like Naruto's nine tails cloak but she couldn't be a jinchūriki otherwise I would have known. It's just like when I was 12 in the forest of death and she saved me from getting bitten then she began turning into something. Maybe she is a Jinchūriki but what one.

By now she had destroyed almost everything trying to get me but all I could do was dodge. The chakra had now formed a cloak and she had 6 tails. The masked man finally appeared and stood right in front of Naomi. He pulled out some tag and stuck it on her forehead and the chakra cloak imedietly disappeared. She fell limp on the ground but she wasn't dead. I then passed out from exhaustion.

??? POV

I've been hiding in the bushes hiding my chakra for the whole fight. I watched as Itachi died and Naomi want on a rampage trying to kill Sasuke. If she honestly wanted to kill him, he would have been dead the moment she spotted him. I wish I could stop her but I've come here to do one thing.....and that's to retrieve Itachi's body before Madara gets it.

I sneakily body flickered over to Itachi's body while no one was looking and picked him up bridle style. I then body flickered away just before Madara came and stopped Naomi. I feel bad for leaving her with him but she's much stronger then him and she surpassed him long ago. I then began running far away from this all.

I'll come back for you Black Panther.

In Naomi's Mind

Naomi's POV

I sat up to a find my head throbbing and I was sitting on water. I stood up and began walking. I soon came to large gates that held a pair of blazing red eyes.

"Hello again child" a voice I remembered to be Kiyara's said.

"Why am I here again" I said holding my head in pain.

"I wanted to warn you that I'm not the one that's going to hurt you.....badly, it's that cursed masked man. He's going to extract Madara Uchiha's soul from you in the 4th Great Shinobi War. Then I'll probably get to go on another rampage. So I just wanted to warn you. Now be gone with you" she finished and everything went black again.

Back in reality

I woke up to find that I was over Obito's shoulder. I jumped off and glared at the person over his other should.

"I'm going to kill him!" I said only to find out all my chakra had been drained.

"You can't do anything, I drained your chakra." He stated the obvious.

"You....bastard" I said and again fainted.


A/N: Aaaannnnd that's another chapter!!!!! I published this as a reward for getting this story to 10k!!!! So thank you thank you thank you!!! I almost cried writing the Itachi bit 😭😭😭😂 Anyway I hope you liked the chapter. There's only one chapter left and I've already began writing it 😊😊

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