Chapter 19 - Oreo-pedo

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Naomi's POV

After Anko yelled "BEGIN", the gates opened but I just strolled casually into the forest.

I had an earth scroll and soon got a heaven scroll. It was quite easy. All I had to do was put them in a simple genjutsu. This exam was pathetic. I felt the familiar chakras of Sasuke, Naruto and Sakura but, I also felt another one. One that was all to familiar.

Its that snake pedo.

I raced to the area and hid in the bush while covering up my chakra. I watched for a while as Orochimaru told them some things. Then he looked directly in my direction and said, 

"You can come out now Princess, I know you've been there for a while" and I slowly walked out from behind the bushes confidently. 

"Very observant, but I'm sure I hid my chakra?" I said in a questioning way. 

"Ahh, but your chakra is just to big to hide completely, I mean with it  inside of you" he said teasingly. 

"What is it with everyone saying it inside you, yeah...I mean I know he is inside of me, but who the hell is it?" I questioned getting angry. 

Oi! I'm right here ya know! 

"Well princess, if you were to come with me, I can tell you everything, it's not like that brother of yours will tell you" he said efficiently hitting my soft spot. 

"Do not ever speak of my brother like that, and in your dreams that I will come with you, you dirty pedo" I spat. 

"Also, why don't you just show us your real eyes, I'm sure they're beautiful" Snake brains said. The others just looked at me strangely. Then Orochimaru lunged at Sasuke. I knew he was going to give him a curse mark. My body moved as if on instinct and in seconds I was in between my brother and Orochimaru. He bit my neck and I sure as hell felt the pain as a curse mark appeared. 

"Oh well, that's even better, soon you will search for me to find out the truth of what's inside of you, but don't you worry Sasuke, I'll come back for you" he said while I clutched my neck and tried to hold in my scream. I failed and let out an almost demonic scream. Suddenly, blue chakra started emitting from me as dark purple chakra swirled around it. I felt my eyes go back to the Eternal Mangekyō and my teeth grew a bit longer. 

"Ahh, there's those true eyes" Orochimaru hissed in delight. 

"You will leave him alone" I yelled in a new found voice. I felt my head start to spin and my eyes became more powerful. Then I blacked out.

Third POV

All three genin watched as this girl tuned into......something. She punched Orochimaru in the stomach and he was sent flying back. 

"Such strength for a small girl" He teased. 

"Much stronger as that monster of a brother, I guess it runs in the family" he teased again. 

"SHUT UP" the raven haired girl screamed. 

"Well I'll see you later Sssasske" Orochimaru said and disappeared. Even when he did, she couldn't calm down. But when the same boy from this morning appeared and looked her in the eyes with his that had a resemblance to a shuriken, her eyes shut and the chakra disappeared and she fell into his arms. Sasuke looked shocked. 

"Who are you?" Naruto demanded but the boy did not look up from the girl in his arms. 

"Shisui" Sasuke whispered in shock and the boy, who's name just might be Shisui, looked up. 

"Sasuke" Shisui whispered. Then Sasuke realised who the girl in his arms was. 

"Naomi" he said quietly.

Sasuke's POV

"Naomi" I said quietly. I finally realised who the girl was. This girl was my little sister. It all made sense now. Those words, I said them to her. Why she didn't want to be near me, because of the way I treated her. The name Black Panther, Shisui and Itachi used to call her that. Why Shisui was here, he always had a special connection with her. But two questions still remained unanswered. What did she turn into? And, What is she doing in the Chunin exams?

Shisui's POV

I picked up Naomi after I calmed her down. She was still so light. But those eyes again, I knew they were Sharingan but none that I've ever heard of.

"Sorry guys, but we've got to go" I said and started running towards the tower as I heard Sasuke yell, 

"Wait, Shisui!" I know they're all probably wondering how and why I'm here but no one needs to know that just yet. Once I got to the tower, I set down Naomi and did the thing they were meant to do with the scrolls. I disappeared just as........THE HOKAGE arrived and asked "Naomi?" in a worried tone.


A/N: Hehe, another cliffhanger. Mwohahaha. Anyways, good job to XxItachixX for guessing right. It's Shisui. He will play a major part in this story. That's all I can say. I love the pic at the top, It almost made me cry. Best friends till the end. That's a great quote.


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