Chapter 31 - I have to stop him

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Naomi's POV

The next morning I woke up to find Itachi wasn't next to me anymore. I got up and had a quick shower and got changed into my normal attire and my new Akatsuki cloak.

As I walked into the kitchen I saw Kisame glaring at me.

"What have I done now?" I asked.

 "You know exactly what the hell you've done!" He answer.

"Would you mind informing me?" I questioned sarcastically. He growled lowly and got up from his chair and lead me to his room. Once we were there I spotted a fish tank full of tuna and sushi squished together.

"Care to explain this?" I burst out laughing trying to say,  "I-I swear to k-kami that I had....nothing to do with...this" I said between laughs.

"It's not funny!" He pouted.

"There's no one else who could have done this.......except......." He trailed off then we both said, "Tobi!" He started to walk out of the room but I stopped him.

"Have you seen Itachi this morning?" I asked. He frowned and said,

"Not a clue squirt" then left the room after ruffling my hair and giving me a sympathetic smile. I'm starting to get a bad feeling.

Time skip a few hours

Itachi's POV

At the moment I'm seated in the throne like chair in an old Uchiha hideout, waiting for my little brothers arrival. As he walked into the room I could tell he was much stronger then the last time I met with him. He was wearing a cloak and had bandages around his forehead.

"Tell me....what do your eyes see now?" I asked.

"They see you dead at my feet" he said and the Genjutsu battle began. I just hope Naomi doesn't interfere.

An hour later

Naomi's POV
It's been hours and still no sign of Itachi. Kisame left a few hours ago too, he said he had an extremely important mission and when I asked to come, he told me that it was very important I didn't come. I'm beginning to worry even more so I decided to go and ask Leader.

When I got to his door I lightly knocked and heard the "come in" so I entered. When Leader saw who it was his eyes softened and I don't know why.

" wouldn't happen to know where Itachi is, do you?" I asked with worry clear in my eyes. His eyes widened and he sighed.

"Yes Naomi, I do know where he is. But I've been told you're not to know. So I'm sorry but I can't tell you" he said and I began to get angry.

"Why not. What's so important that I can't know. This is my big brother your talking about, he's just about the only happy thing in my life. Why can't I know, why do you all keep things from me!"

"Please Naomi, calm down and take a deep breath. Count to ten" I did as he said and calmed down.

"I'm sorry but I'm authorised not to tell you" he finished and started fixing the papers in his desk. I activated my Eternal Kurai and called out "Leader" and he looked right into my eyes. I'm going to find out what's going on.

In Pein's mind

I see Itachi and........Sasuke..........FIGHTING! Itachi had his Susanoo activated as he coughs up blood. Oh no. He's planning on letting Sasuke kill him! I have to stop this.

Back in reality

Tears began to fall from my eyes as memories flashed through my mind.

Flashback 1

Me and Itachi are sat at a dango store to celebrate my 12th birthday. My reward being 12 dangos. We both sit there eating our dango with smiles on our faces.

Flashback 2

️Itachi picked me up and dropped me into the river. I hid under the water using a Jutsu Kisame taught me so I could breath. When Itachi bent down to look for me I grabbed his shoulders and pulled him in. We resurfaced and were laughing together.

Flashback 3

I'm about a few weeks old and Itachi was sitting about 5 meters in front of me. I'm sitting on my hands and knees as Itachi calls to me, trying to get me to walk to him. He's smiling as who I think is our mother walks in with one of the kindest smiles I've ever seen.

"Mumma" I say and they both gasp. I guess I just said my first word. Both them started clapping and hugging me.

End flashbacks

I was crying even harder now and I burst out the door. I ran straight to my room and grabbed my ninja gear. I activated my Eternal Kurai and body flickered to where I found Kisame and some other people.

"So this is where you were, I can't believe you wouldn't tell me" I said and began running towards the entrance but was stopped by two large blades, one held by Kisame and the other by some other fish guy.

"Move" I growled.

"Sorry little girl but I won't move, you can't interfere in Sasuke's revenge" the other fish guy said and I put him in Tsukuyomi. His screams could be heard for miles. I glared at Kisame but he didn't move to I put him and the other two in Tsukuyomi as well. I barged through and ran up two where the fight had taken place.

What I saw broke my heart. Itachi poked Sasuke and began falling.



A/N: Ok I finally finished the chapter!!! I hoped you like it. There's only 2 chapters left then after I edit the book, the sequel comes out. Tell me what you think in the comments. Also in about a few reads away from 10k so....YAY!!!! Thank you so much!

Bye people

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