Chapter 3 - Dreams

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I woke up in my bed at home wondering how in the world I got here.

Oi, Madara, if your still there would you mind telling me how I got here? I asked in my head seeing if he was still there and I wasn't dreaming.

Oh, your awake, I don't feel like telling you.

He said and his voice disappeared. When I looked to my bedside table I saw my dangos and the time. It was almost noon. I should probably go and see how Kakashi is doing.

When I got close enough I hid my chakra so he wouldn't know I'm there. I then activated my Sharingan and cast a Genjutsu on all of them. I ran as fast as I could and grabbed a bell from his belt.

All he would have felt was a gust of wind. He checked the bells and they were all there. At least that's what he thought.

I waited forever for him to get to the point but it was taking forever. I decided to appeared on one of the wooden posts and tell them myself.

"It's teamwork, teamwork, that's all you had to do, work together. wanted to do everything on your own and didn't want help, kept going after Sasuke when he was gone and Naruto was right in front of you, and Sasuke.......arrogance, you think your better than EVERYONE, but the truth is........your not!" I bluntly because it was the truth, all they had to do was work together and maybe they would have gotten the bells.

"Yes, she took the words right out of my mouth" Kakashi said.

"What are you doing here Naomi?" Sasuke said with annoyance in his voice.

"Well, the Hokage sent me to do this training exercise with Kakashi's new" I began to explain but got interrupted by him, "-I don't care, just go home or you'll get in the way" he said with a demanding tone.

I really hate when Sasuke treats me like this, I just wish he would be a loving older brother to me but no, he's too cool for that.

"Fine then, I will go home, but first you might want this back Kakashi" I said and pulled out the bell I took.

"How did you get that?" He asked looking at his bells.

"I still have 2 bells...." then I let the genjutsu go and there was only one bell.

"Genjutsu" he said. I chucked him the bell while and said,

"Here....I better get going before you know who gets even more angry" and with that I disappeared like thin air.

Kakashi's POV

When she disappeared I was shocked that one, she got a bell without me knowing, two she disappeared like that and three, Sasuke treated his little sister like that.

"Sasuke why would you talk to your sister like that?" I asked in a disappointed tone.

"Because she is weak, and I must focus on my goal, she is just a distraction that I don't need" he said cruelly.

Third POV

When Sasuke said this, he didn't know that his sister was hiding and heard everything. She couldn't believe that her brother talks about her like this behind her back as well. She began to walk home when an Anbu jumped down in front of her. "The Hokage would like to see you, Princess" he said and disappeared. She began her walk to the hokage's office.

Naomi's POV

I was still upset about what Sasuke said about me so I couldn't be bothered teleporting to the Hokage's office. I finally got there and knocked on the door.

"Come in" I heard and went in.

"Hello, Princess, I would like to tell you something.....whats wrong, is it about what your brother said?" He asked obviously seeing the glum look on my face.

"Yeah, how did you know" I asked.

"Don't worry about how I I want to ask you something before I tell you why I called you here" he said and I gave a look telling him to continue.

"Ok may I ask, what is you dream?" He asked.

"My dream will become true when I'm older, it is to become Hokage so that I can bring Itachi back to the village and clear the truth up and name him a hero because, that is what he is and I will make that happen" I explained my dream.

"Naomi, that is a beautiful dream and I believe that you can make that happen one day" With him saying that it made me just a bit happier.

"So, what is it you wanted to tell me?" I asked.

"I would like you to take part in an exam for don't have to seeing as how young you are though" he explained.

"Sure, when would you like me to take this exam?"

"Tomorrow, if that's alright with you?"

"Ok see you tomorrow Mr Hokage" I said and left.

On my way home I continued eating my dangos that I never got to finish. I finally got home and went straight to bed because I didn't want to see Sasuke.

Tomorrow will be a big day.


A/N: Thank you again to all the people that are reading this story and commenting. In the next chapter Naomi will be given her new rank. Yay. Also sorry to all the Sasuke fans because I've made him sound so bad. I'm also a Sasuke fan but he has to act like this so it will go with the story. Anyway comment, follow and heart.


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