Chapter 2 - Surprises

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I went outside to the lake where most Uchihas learn how to do the fire ball justu and started reading the hand signs. After I finished reading I tried to preform the jutsu and did it perfectly. After I did it a few times I decided that I was hungry and since Sasuke didn't get me dangos, I'll get them myself.

After I finished my dangos I went home because it was getting dark. I got changed into my blue onesie, that has little uchiha crests on it, and went to bed.

The next morning I did all my morning things. I guess Sasuke already left again 😪. I Body Flickered to the hokage's office like Iruka told me to yesterday. I knocked on the door and heard a "Come in" so I entered.

"Good morning Mr Hokage and Kakashi and Iruka, you wanted to see me?" I asked and decided to sit on the floor with my legs crossed looking as innocent as usual.

"Umm, yes good morning Princess, I did want to see you. You see Iruka has informed me that you have more advanced skills than what a person your age should have" he explained.

"Yeah, I train with Kakashi sensei, what of it?" I said just a tinsy but sassily.

"Naomi don't speak like that to Lord Hokage , show some manners would you" Iruka scolded me.

"Don't worry Iruka it's alright, anyway I would like you to go with Kakashi and do the training exercise he is doing with his new squad" the Hokage explained. Should be a piece of cake.

"Sure lets go Kakashi."

Me and Kakashi stepped outside,

"I'll race you there" I said.

"Sure" he answered.

"Ok ready, set......GO" I shouted and he took off.

Kakashi's POV

"Ready, set.......GO" she said and I took off as fast as I could because I know for a fact she is an Uchiha and Uchiha's are very fast.

I finally got there and I saw she wasn't there. I did a miniature happy dance and saw my new students sitting very unimpressed looks on their faces.

"Hey guys, sorry I'm late, I got lost on the path of life-" I lied.

"LIAR" Naruto and Sakura yelled.

"Ok, so your task is just have to get these bells."

Naomi's POV

When I said go he took off running as fast as he could. I just walked because I couldn't be bothered to run. I decided to get dangos because I was hungry.

I love dangos soooooooo much I thought to myself,

Yeah, I've noticed. I heard a voice say so I spun around but no one was there. I shook it off as I got to the dango shop and decided to eat in. I got like 10 dango sticks and started eating.

These are soo good!!!! I thought again and I heard the voice say

I get it you like dangos. I actually got a bit scared to be honest.

Ok, rude, but anyways, who the hell are you?

If you want to know who I am then go to the library and find 'The Book of Past Uchiha' and look at the first person, for that is who I am. So I went to the lirary and looked for 'The Book of Past Uchiha'. I found it and turned to the first person.

OMG, MADARA UCHIHA IS IN MY HEAD I screamed in my head.

Yes, that is who I calm your overly mentalated farm and don't scream so loud. Madara said sassily.

Well my farm is only mentalated because your up there. I mentally said to him showing my Uchiha attitude.

What's that supposed to mean!?!

Well, I'm not the one who killed his brother just for eyes!

Well that just hurt my feelings! Goodbye! After that I blacked out.

A/N: Sorry I updated late! I wrote a part of this chapter but it didn't save and got deleted 😔. But on a happier note, I FINALLY GOT 100 READS!! Thank you to everyone who is reading this story. Idk when the next chapter will be up but I will try to work on new chapters ASAP. Comment, follow and heart.

See ya ✌️

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