Chapter 18 - The Forest of Death, Drama

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^^Thats the pedo cloud nin^^

After I got ready, I made my way to The Forest of Death. I was one of the first ones there along with Gaara's team, a Hidden Sound Village team and some others that I don't know. I had some suspicions about one of the sound ninjas though.

I walked over to a big rock and sat in the shade the rock was casting, closing my eyes. I felt a presence in front of me.

"Can I help you?" I asked, with no emotion, keeping my eyes closed.

"I just wanted to ask you out after these exams, beautiful" some guy flirted, thinking he sounded confident. The only thing he was sounding was cringy.

"And you are?" I totally shamed the guy.

"Does it really matter babe, as long as we have a good night, and I promise you we will!" I opened one eye to see cloud ninja with brown hair and green eyes. He looked a fair bit older than me. I closed it again and sighed saying,

"Just leave me alone would you, I'm not interested." I crossed my arms.

"Well you better get interested!!!" He said and tried to grab my arm but I grabbed his wrist first, tightly. My eyes snapped open and I revealed my real eyes. I'm sure he felt my chakra spike because I let go of the Transformation Jutsu. It actually took up about 1/4 of my chakra to keep the whole thing up.

"Either you leave me alone, or you don't get to complete the chunin exams due to 'accidental' injury" I growled. This is an example of my extremely short temper.

"What if you come back to my hotel with me after this thing and we can have some fun, if you know what I mean" he said wiggling his eyebrows. I internally gagged and my grip tightened on his wrist and he flinched.

"I know what you mean you dirty cloud pedo, and guess what?" I said teasingly.

"What sweetheart?"

"I'm not interested" I whispered in his ear and snapped his wrist with one squeeze. I let go and closed my eyes going back to relaxing and he layed on the ground, holding his wrist in pain due to the shattering of his dominant wrist.

"Also if you must know, I'm 10, not however old you thought I was" I said nonchalantly.

Was that really necessary Princess? Madara questioned.

Hey, I warned him and he was getting on my nerves. How old did he think I was? I replied. I could tell he was shaking his head at me and I smirked.

Just watch out for that strange sound ninja.

Will do.

I next got woken by a familiar chakra. With my eyes still closed I asked,

"You better not be another pedophile trying to sleep with me like the last one that woke me, I'm pretty sure you saw what happened to him!" I questioned my big brother knowing who he was. I could feel a tinsy bit of fright radiate off him.

"Yeah......I saw, what did he do?" He asked and I felt him sit next to me.

"He was being a dirty bastard. I don't know how old he thought I was." Sasuke's fists clenched.

"He was basically asking for me to break his wrist, eh.........he'll live" I said like it was nothing.

"What is your name?"

"I told you, call me Black Panther"

"No, your real name" he just pushed a button by asking again. I sighed and stood up, opening my eyes.

"That, Sasuke, is for me to know and you to find day" I answered mysteriously. I walked away but was soon swarmed by a bunch of his fan girls.

"You leave my Sasuke-Kun alone" Sakura shouted.

"By that you mean my Sasuke" Ino yelled at Sakura and sooooooo on. I sighed again, going to stand under another tree. I already knew Anko would make a big entrance.

Sasuke's POV

How did this girl know my name? I questioned myself. Does she know me but I can't remember her? And those words she said the other day,

'You wouldn't care, you'd probably tell me to go away and tell me that I'm a distraction and that I get in the way'

I remember them but can't figure out where from. I hate not knowing things. Those words seemed harsh. Anyway, I now watched as 'Black Panther' got swarmed by my fan girls.

"You leave my Sasuke-Kun alone" Sakura shouted. Tch, like I'll ever be hers. I could just see Black Panther roll her eyes as saying 'Not this again'. Then all the girls started fighting over me and she just walked away. I've never seen a girl not fight over me, unless you include Hinata. I somehow feel attracted to her, but not in a love relationship way.

After Anko made her big speech and we got our scrolls, we made our way to our gate. Sakura and Naruto looked nervous and I must admit, I was a bit nervous myself. I do know, now, for a fact that Black Panther is competing alone. She must be strong since Kabuto mentioned that she was listed in the bingo books as well. Speaking of Kabuto, I don't trust him one bit and it seemed that Black Panther wasn't his biggest fan either.

A few minutes later Anko shouted,

"BEGIN" and thus part two of the chunin exams started.


A/N: Hahahaha, I quite like cliffhangers now. What about Naomi's sudden change in attitude, bi-polar much?

See ya people and do the usual plz!!!

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