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Ok, I can't wait any longer!!!!!! I just posted the Sequel so go check it out. Hopefully it's better then the first book, I'm sure it will be. Anyway go read the Prouloge!!!! Tell me what you think. So here's the long awaited sequel


~Sequel to 'Book 1: Don't Leave me Again'~

Naomi returns stronger then ever. How is she dealing with Itachi's death and what will she think of Sasuke now? Who will she come back too if no one is left? Everyone in her family is dead and it's the village elders fault. What will happen now?

Who can pull her out of this darkness?

-!I suggest you read book 1 before you read this book!-

All all original characters belong to the creator of Naruto and Naruto Shippuden. The characters I made up belong to me.

Book 1: Don't Leave me Again!Where stories live. Discover now