Chapter 29 - Leave then you jerk!

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Third POV

Naomi was jumping though the forest with chakra infused feet to triple her speed, while tracking Sasuke's chakra. She could feel another two chakra signatures near his. One was an emense amount of chakra, this chakra was obviously Naruto's and they were fighting.

Sasuke isn't making any friends today is he?

What do you mean by that?

Well he is now fighting to the death with his so called best friend.

Well that's his problem, isn't it?

It's my problem now too, Naruto is my friend and Sasuke is making the stupid decision of joining Orochimaru!

Suddenly, Naomi got tackled and pinned to a nearby tree. She looked up to see a pair of Sharingan.


Meanwhile, two boys were fighting to the death. Naruto was using the nine tails chakra while Sasuke was using the power of his curse mark. Sasuke stood up on the statue of Marara Uchiha and Naruto stood on the statue of Hashirama Senju, both of them started conjuring up their strongest jutsus. Naruto held a Rasengan in his hand while Sasuke held the Chidori in his hand. They jumped at each other and as the jutsus collided, a big black sphere formed from the impact of two powerful jutsus colliding. The sphere got bigger and bigger until it burst and both boys got sent flying back. Only one got up though. Sasuke being the winner of this battle walked away to Kabuto and left Natuto unconscious in the cold, pouring rain.

Naomi's POV

As I finished explaining to Madara, I got tacked and pinned into a tree. I looked up to see the Sharingan eyes of Itachi.

"Get off me! I've got something to do!" I growled at him.

"Listen Naomi, I know you must be mad at me and everyone else for not telling you about this but it was for your own good" he explained trying to keep calm.

"What good is it now because I'm even more pissed than I would have been"

"You still would have gone after him, am I right?" He said knowing he's right. I turned my head to the side to avoid his stern gaze.

"Just let me go Itachi" I said through clenched teeth, trying to keep my anger in check. His grip hardened so I let lightening flow through my wrists, just enough for him to let go or loosen his grip, and he did so I took of running to where I could feel Sasuke's chakra and Kabuto's chakra. Sasuke had obviously beaten Naruto since they weren't fighting anymore. Both Naruto and Sasuke barely had any chakra left, Sasuke had more since he could still walk.

As I approach where they are, I jump out and tackle Kabuto to the ground and start punching him in the face as hard as I could.

"What the hell do you think your doing with my brother you filthy lowlife!?!" I yell at him as I'm pulled off him surprisingly by Sasuke.

"What are you doing here Naomi?" He spat and noticed he had the three tome Sharingan.

"I'm stopping you from making the biggest mistake of your life!" I said gaining my composure and calming myself.

"Just listen to me Sasuke......if you do this, you'll be leaving all your friends behind, you'll lose everyone, all your bonds" I said.

"I lost everyone long ago because of that monster you went to" he said and I could hear the anger in his voice.

"Don't call him a monster" I started through clenched teeth.

"I lost everyone on that same day, well almost everyone, I never even got to know what it's like to have parents" I said the middle bit with a small smile.

"If you really need to know, Itachi is the one who took care of me this whole time and honestly, I don't know why I came after you, you are a stuck up, emo, egotistical jerk. You know, the way you treated me I don't even want to call you brother anymore" I finished and he was glaring at me so I countered his with my glare.

"Well I hate to break this little reunion up....but we have to go" Kabuto said but we both ignored him.

I then flung a kunai as Kabuto tried to approach us, as I was still having a glare off with this jerk. I then felt a pain in my chest as I felt the blood start to rise through my throat and the need to cough coming on. I tried to hold it in but was unsuccessful so I turned my head away as blood splattered all over the ground. I soon fell to my hands and knees and I began to find it hard to breathe. I sensed Kabuto trying to sneak up behind me so without looking I lifted my leg up and kicked him where the sun don't shine. He stumbled back holding his place and fell over in pain. That kick may have been slightly chakra infused.

"Don't *pant* you remember *pant pant* t-the last time you *pant* approached me?" I questioned between breaths. Kabuto was still rolling on the ground in pain. I thought he was a medic nin? Ehh. I coughed up more blood but this time it was slightly clotted. I then stood up and wiped my mouth.

"Alright, I honestly don't care what you do so just go off to that pedo, who might I add, only wants you for you body" I explained but I don't think he was listening. I turned my back and began to walk away when snakes came at me from Kabuto's arm. I blocked them with a kunai and cut their heads off then flashed behind Kabuto, using the Body Flicker, with the kunai to his neck.

"Try that again and those snakes won't be the only ones losing their heads" I warned in a menacing voice. Kabuto gulped and I flashed back to where I was.

"Also just to let you know Sasuke, he's only going for you because he can't get me nor Itachi. We're just too strong for him" I added with a smirk. He scoffed and turned away starting to leave.

"Until next time, Kabuto" I said and gave a small mock wave before Flickering away.

I flickered to a clearing by a river near the hideout. I bent on my hands a knees over the river and started coughing up large amounts of blood. I soon began to feel dizzy and things were looking blurry. I looked at my hands and my skin was paler then normal. As I coughed up some more blood I felt a familiar chakra nearby but I was to weak to figure out who it was. Again, more blood I coughed up but it was a really dark crimson colour. Things got even blurrier.

"Naomi" is all I heard before everything went black.


A/N: Ok, I'm so sorry for not updating sooner, I just couldn't think of anything to write. Anyway it's getting closer to the end of the book. I think this was the last chapter for the Naruto series and Naruto Shippuden starts in the next chapter. 😄 Please do comment. I love reading comments I get and thanks to the people who commented in the last chapter. That would be XxItachixX and @brianabrowning123 . So thanks. If you comment on this chapter I'll give you a shout out in the next one. And thanks for 7K reads, love yous all.

Also go check out my friend JoseyBeckhaus book, it's called 'You can't talk' it's and awesome story (not Naruto related) and I reckon it deserves more reads and votes and comments. Go check it out!!!!! For Itachi!!! 💖

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