Chapter 11 - A Game

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I woke up around dinner time. When I walked into the lounge room, Deidera was sitting on the lounge and started glaring at me.

"Stop glaring at me, I'm sorry alright, geez" I said storming into the kitchen. Everyone was staring at me, again.

"What are you all looking at, do I have two heads now?" I sarcastically asked and they all went back to eating dinner. Deidera walked in and sat down so I decided to ask him,

"So Dei, what happened in that little world of mine?"

"A fricking lion tore me to shreds then crows came and ate my remains, even though I was still alive, then some guy with Sharingan set fire to my hair, you know because the crows didn't eat thats as well. That all kept replaying for what seemed like years!!!" He explained.

"Yeah, that's one of my lions, his name is Azland, (Narnia moment) the crows I borrowed from someone...." I glanced at Itachi,

"...and that dude.....wait did you say he had Sharingan?" I asked and he nodded.

"How did he get in my Tsukuyomi?" I muttered to myself but Mr Super Hearing Itachi heard me. He gave me a look that said 'I will talk to you later'.


Everyone was now sitting in the lounge room either reading or watching TV. Most were reading because Tobi was watching 'Dora the Explorer' and he was sitting RIGHT in front of the TV eating a bag of candy.


"Hey I know, let's play a game?" I suggested but they all ignored me.

"Oi, sit your butts on the ground in a circle right now or shit gets real" I threatened and they all formed a circle. Except for Pein because he was doing MORE paperwork, seriously he is the leader of a group of S-ranked Criminals and he's doing paperwork...

Anyway, we were all seated in a circle.

"Ok so we will go around the circle and you have to say your answer to my question, got it?" They nodded.

"Ok the question is.......What's one thing you like?"

And the order is:
Pein (Yeah, he decided to play)

"Ok let's start with Zetzu then go around the circle" I said.


"I like to spy" Zetzu said.

"I like art and explosions" Dei said.

"I like my sword Samehada" Fishy-chan said.

"I like money, lots of money!" Guess who that was.......Kakazu.

"I like puppets" Sasori said. He wasn't in his puppet anymore.

"I like paper" Konan said.

"I love Jashin" Hidan said.

"I like when others feel the pain" Leader said and I sweat dropped.

"I like dango" Itachi said. Of course he said that.

"I like unicorns and lots of other things" I said cutely.

"Tobi likes turtles" and that was Tobi. I sweat dropped at him too.

"Great game people" I said yawning. Itachi picked me up and carried me to his room because it was closer.

"So do you mind telling me about this Sharingan user in your Tsukuyomi world" he asked and I yawned and said,

"Can't it wait till tomorrow big bro, I'm stuffed". He nodded and slipped into the spot next to me in his bed. I imidiatly fell asleep when he pulled me closer to his chest.


A/N: There will be a proper authors note before the next chapter. Anyway........hi. Don't know what to say.😅 Comment, Vote, Follow.


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