5. A Symbol

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Back home at (L/N) Manor, (Y/N) was tidying up and getting ready for what would come next when he heard a small squeak in the hall.

He walked out of his room to find a bat fluttering around the ceiling.

"Blessed bat gain, sir," Alfred said when he arrived. "They nest somewhere on the grounds."


(Y/N) yanked the wood boards out of the old well before tying a rope to himself and lowering himself down, much like his father had done for him years ago. He united himself and looked over to his left to find the same dark crevice the bats had swarmed from.

He took a step forward, into the thin space. The another. Then a third. He crawled through the crevice until he felt air blowing into his face and heard rushing water nearby. He stepped out to find a massive natural chamber with a waterfall covering the only other entrance. A batcave.

(Y/N) held a flashlight up to the ceiling to find a group of bats crawling around. They exploded down from the ceiling, screeching, swarming around (Y/N). He crouched on the ground instinctively before rising back up to his full height and letting the bats circle around him.

And he knew the symbol he had to use.


(Y/N) stepped out of the elevator in (L/N) Tower to find a young, rather pretty assistant at her desk, with a set of doors on the other side of the room. (Y/N) walked over.

"Sir, you can't go in there!" The assistant called.

(Y/N) smiled back at her. "Yes, I can."

The assistant recognized him and froze, shocked. (Y/N) (L/N) was back.

The doors opened. Earle looked over in annoyance. "Can I..." he trailed off as (Y/N) walked in.

"Sorry to barge in," (Y/N) said to the board members. "But I was in the area."

Earle stood and approached (Y/N), shaking his hand "My boy! We thought you were gone for good."

"Sorry to disappoint."

"Can I ask where you've been?"

(Y/N) wore a mischievous grin. "You can ask..."

Earle smiled. "Well, perhaps you'll tell us your plans. Are you back to finish college?"

"Actually, I thought I'd get to grips with what we actually do around here. From the ground up, one division at a time."

Earle nodded. "Any idea where you'd like to start?"

"Applied sciences caught my eye."

"Mr. Fox's department. I'll make a call. You can start today."

"Actually, I've got a one o'clock tee-off, and it took me all morning to convince the club to honor my membership. Apparently they don't have to meet the same high standards as you when it comes to declaring someone dead."


After the tee-off, (Y/N) entered the warehouse that applied sciences called home. There were stacked crates, odd shapes underneath tarps, lab equipment, and a middle-aged African-American man named Lucius Fox.

"Environmental applications, defense projects, consumer products," Fox was explaining to (Y/N), "All prototypes, none of it in production at any level whatsoever."


"What did they tell you this place was?"

"They didn't tell me anything."

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