2. The Beginning of the End

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The searchlight originally used as the bat-signal was still sitting at the top of major crimes, smashed in and rusted over the two years since its last use.

Gordon was standing next to it, looking through some files. It was peaceful up here, something of an escape.

"Sir?" A young cop was standing nearby. His name was Blake. "I didn't want to bother you up here, but they're looking for you."

"What's the problem, son?"

"Congressman Gilly's wife's been calling. He hasn't made it home from the (L/N) Foundation event."

"That's a job for the police?"

"Sir, I've been a cop for a year and I've only logged half a dozen arrests. When you and Dent cleaned the streets you cleaned 'em good. Pretty soon we'll be chasing overdue library books."

Gordon smiled at the joke. Blake looked at the stack of files in Gordon's hands.

"But here you are," Blake said. "Like we're still at war..."

"Old habits."

"Or instinct."

"What's your name, son?"

"Blake, sir."

"You have something you want to ask me, Officer Blake?"

"It's that night. This night, two years ago. The night Dent died."

"What about it?"

"The last confirmed sighting of the Batman. He murders those people, takes out two SWAT teams, breaks Dent's neck, goes to Germany... then just vanishes?"

"I'm not hearing a question, son."

Blake shifted a little. "Don't you want to know who he was?"

Gordon turned to the searchlight and ran his fingers across the rusted metal. "I know exactly who he was. He was the Batman." He stood up and walked past Blake, heading for the stairs. "Let's go see about the congressman's wife..."


Alfred entered one of the many bedrooms in (L/N) Manor, holding a tray of food. "Master (L/N)?"

His voice seemed to echo through the empty halls. There was no response. Alfred made his way to the study and hit three notes on the piano within. The nearby bookcase opened, and Alfred went inside. The elevator carried him down to the cave below, where he found (Y/N) sitting at the computer within.

Alfred made his way over. "You haven't been down here in a long time!"

"Just trying to find out more about our jewel thief. I ran her prints from the photos she handled." (Y/N) pulled up an image of an overweight armed-robbery suspect. "But unless she's lost a lot of weight, she was wearing someone else's fingerprints. She's good."

"She may be. But we have the trace on the necklace."

"We do, so I cross-referenced the address she went back to with police data on high-end B-and-E's..." (Y/N) hit a key and pulled up a mugshot of the maid in question. "Selina Kyle. The databases are full of close calls, tips from fences... She's good, but the ground is shrinking beneath her feet."

"We should send the police before she fences the pearls."

"She won't. She likes them too much. And they weren't what she was after."

"What was she after?"

"My fingerprints. There was printer toner mixed with graphite on the safe. Gives you a good pull, and it's untraceable."

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