23. Highway to Hell

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After the building had exploded, Steve was able to lead (Y/N) and Natasha to a potential safe house, where a friend of his supposedly lived. (Y/N) wasn't entirely sure about it, so he slipped a hood and a mask over his face. He didn't want to reveal his identity to this person, but he also didn't want to give away his location by wearing his cowl.

Steve knocked on the door. It was opened a moment later by a man who Steve had said was named Sam Wilson.

"Hey, man," Sam said when he opened the door.

"I'm sorry about this," Steve said, "We need a place to lay low."

"Everyone we know is trying to kill us," Natasha added.

"Not everyone," Sam said before looking at (Y/N) "Take off that mask. You don't need it."

"When I get inside," (Y/N) assured him before following him inside, along with Steve and Natasha.


Later, (Y/N) noticed Natasha deep in her thoughts and a little sad, too.

"Hey," He said, coming over. "You alright?"


"What's up?"

"When I joined S.H.I.E.L.D, I thought I was going straight. But I guess I just traded in the KGB for HYDRA. I thought I knew whose lies I was telling but... I guess I can't tell the difference anymore."

(Y/N) nodded. "I know that feeling. When I left the League of Shadows, I thought I would be doing something good."

"You are doing something good," She assured him. "You've found a way to stop criminals without killing them. I never learned how... no matter how hard I try to scrub out my past, it always comes back to bite me."

"The past is the past." He paused before speaking again. "It not who you are underneath, but what you do that defines you. You fight for good, even when someone's trying to hide what's right and wrong."

"Rachel told you that?"

(Y/N) smiled. "Yeah."

"Who is she to you?"

"She's an old friend. She was there for me when no one else was. When my parents died... when the man who killed them walked... she was there. And I'm grateful."

"Do you think..." There was a pause from the redhead before she continued. "Do you... feel anything for her?"

"If you're asking whether I love her, I do. In the way I love Alfred - as an old friend, someone who's so close you're practically family. But romantically... I don't know. We talked about it... and she said she'd wait. Until a day I no longer needed to be Batman. But I don't know if or when that day will come."

Natasha gently grabbed his hand. "I hope it does. You deserve to be happy, after everything you've been through."

(Y/N) smiled. "You do, too."

Their faces inched closer together, and they both knew what would happen.

But (Y/N) jerked his head back. "I'm sorry. I can't."

Natasha looked down, embarrassed, and nodded.

"It's not that..." He trailed off. "My whole predicament... It's complicated."

She smiled lightly. "It's ok. I understand."


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