17. A Dark Knight, Part Two

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Gordon was at the ferry terminal, overseeing the operation, when he suddenly got a call on his phone. He picked up.

It was Batman. "I have the Joker's location. Prewitt building. Assemble on the building opposite."


He did as Batman told him to, and assembled on the building with a group of swats.

"We found our missing school bus," One of the swats on recon duty came in.

"Then we have a hostage situation."

One of the snipers looked across into the opposite building. "I got hostages!"

Gordon looked through his scope. "It's a shooting gallery. Why'd he choose a spot with such big windows?"

"Because he likes the view," came the voice of the Black Widow behind him. Gordon turned to see both her and Batman behind him.

"Miss Romanoff, I didn't expect to see you here."

"We have celar shots on five clowns," the swat leader said. "Snipers take them out, smash the windows. A team rappels in, a team moves in on the stairwells. 2 or 3 casualties, max."

Gordon didn't even hesitate. "Let's do it."

"It's not that simple," (Y/N) said. "With the Joker it never is."

"What's simple is that every second we don't take him, these people on the ferries are closer to blowing each other up!" Gordon shouted.

"That won't happen," (Y/N) assured him.

"Then he'll blow them both up! There's no time, we have to go in now!"

"There's always a catch with him-"

"That's why we can't wait. We can't play his games."

"We need five minutes. Alone."

"No! There's no time! We have clear shots!"

But (Y/N) and Natasha ignored his protests. (Y/N) handed his grapple to her. "You take the top, I'll take the bottom. If we time it right, we'll run into him at the same time."

She nodded, then fired the grapple gun. (Y/N) leapt off the building and expanded his cloak, gliding around to one of the bottom floors of the building.

"Fox," He said into his comm. "I need picture."

"You've got POV on alpha channel, omni on beta."

Two smoked glass eyepieces slid over (Y/N)'s cowl, giving him the black-and-blue, pulsing sonar view. He could see everything.

Reaching into his utility belt, he pulled out a small can and sprayed plastic on one of the windows, then knocked it in, the plastic keeping his entry quiet.

Looking through the corner with his sonar vision, he saw an armed clown standing guard.

On the adjacent roof, Gordon got yet another phone call. The ID said it was his wife, Barbara.

He answered. "Hello? Barbara, calm down-"

"Hello, Jim," came Harvey's voice from the other end.

"Harvey? What the hell's going on?"

"You're about to know what suffering is really like."

"Where are you? Where's my family?"

"Where my family died."

Click. Harvey hung up.

Back inside the other building, (Y/N) grabbed the clown and dropped him, quietly. That was when he noticed the gun was duct-taped to his hand. He tore off the mask, and saw his mouth was gagged as well.

Not A Hero (MCU x Reader x Dark Knight Trilogy)Where stories live. Discover now