5. Seoul Showdown

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Helen Cho's lab was in the city of Seoul in South Korea. Steve, (Y/N), Clint, and Nat had gone there while Tony went to check out the situation in Oslo.

Steve had infiltrated the lab while (Y/N) stayed in a nearby alleyway, keeping the Batmobile ready just in case.

Steve confirmed that Ultron was building a body, using the power of the gem inside Loki's scepter.

"I got a private jet taking off across town, no manifest," Natasha reported. "That could be him."

Clint came on a moment later. "There. It's a truck from the lab. Right above you, Cap. Two blocks to your south, (Y/N). It's them."

The Batmobile's computer calculated the truck's position. "I'm on it."

He floored the gas and pulled onto the highway, trailing the truck. Steve came in a moment later, much to Ultron's chagrin. Fortunately, the android hadn't noticed the Batmobile pulling up alongside the truck thanks to Steve's interference.

Steve had said not to blow up the truck so as to prevent the gem from destroying the city, so (Y/N) commanded the computer to drive parallel to the truck, and then opened the canopy and grappled onto said truck.

He appeared behind Ultron, and Steve came up in front of the robot.

"You know what's in that cradle?" Ultron inquired. "The power to make real change, and that terrifies you."

"I wouldn't call it comfort," Steve remarked.

The two of them engaged Ultron, with Steve getting hits in with his shield and (Y/N) flanking Ultron from as many sides as possible, chucking batarangs and throwing punches whenever he could. He saved the explosives for risk of the gem exploding as well.

Ultron was able to knock Steve's shield away, then backhanded (Y/N), causing the caped crusader to fall off the truck. Luckily, his scallop blades were able to dig into the truck's wall, keeping him from hitting the pavement below.

He saw Natasha pull up in a motorcycle a moment later, tossing Steve's shield up to assist in the fight. (Y/N) dropped back into the Batmobile and prepared his next move.

Steve was able to force Ultron off the truck and onto a speeding train, and (Y/N) made his move once the coast was clear.

He got onto the next exit ramp, which parallel to the current path of the truck. Once the two vehicles were at the same level, (Y/N) swerved the Batmobile right and boosted, launching the vehicle into the air above the truck. He then fired the tow cable on the back of the Batmobile, latching it onto the trailer of the truck and forcing the drone in the truck's cab to detach.

The drones inside of the trailer came out and lifted it into the air, but Natasha would take care of that in a moment.

(Y/N) pulled off the road and took a moment to listen to the comms.

"I lost him!" He heard Steve say, no doubt regarding Ultron. "He's heading your way!"

"Nat, we gotta go." That was Clint. When there was no reply, he called for her again. "Cap, (L/N), you see Nat?"

"If you have the package, get it to Stark!" Steve ordered. "Go!"

"Do you have eyes on Nat?" Clint insisted.

"Go!" Steve commanded yet again. "(L/N), we're going to need an assist. You see that train?"

(Y/N) looked for a moment, then got his eyes on the tracks. "I see tracks. It can't be too far ahead."

"Can you stop it?"

(Y/N) sighed. "Soon enough, this baby's going to crap out on me."

He sped off the highway and onto the train tracks, swerving around and going in reverse, gunning at full speed.

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