7. You Either Die A Hero...

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The Gotham PD had done a fair job of cleaning up the city in Batman's absence, yet still people were asking for him to reveal his identity.

That was exactly what was going on as one of the officers - a mid-30's woman called Ramirez - watched a news report that was airing that night.

The show's host, Mike Engel, was currently speaking to the Mayor. "Mr. Mayor, you were elected on a campaign to clean up the city... When are you going to start?"

"Well, Mike-"

"Like this so-called Batman. A lot of people say he's doing some good, that criminals are running scared... but I say no. What kind of hero needs to hide behind a mask? You don't let vigilantes run around breaking the law... Where does it end? Yet, we hear rumors that instead of trying to arrest him, the cops are using him to do their dirty work."

"I'm told our men in the Major Crimes Unit are close to an arrest."

Ramirez turned to another cop in the room. "Hey, Wuertz, the Mayor says you're closing in on the Batman."

"The investigation is ongoing," The older cop said simply. On his wall were a list of 'Batman Suspects-' The list included Elvis, Abraham Lincoln, and Bigfoot.

Ramirez then left her seat and walked up to the roof to find Lieutenant Gordon standing next to the bat-signal.

She handed him a cup of coffee. "Ever intending to see your wife again, Lieutenant?"

"I thought you had to go look after your mother, detective," Gordon replied simply.

"They checked her back into the hospital."

"I'm sorry."

"Lest she's got someone round the clock. Unlike your wife." She looked into the sky at the bat-signal's projection. "He hasn't shown?"

"Often doesn't," Gordon replied. "But I like reminding everybody that he's out there."

"Why wouldn't he come?"

"Hopefully... because he's busy."


A pair of black SUV's entered the parking garage. It was still night, and the bat-signal was still shining bright into the sky.

A large Russian man exited one of them - the Chechen. One of his bodyguards pointed to the sky.

"This is why we bring dogs," the Chechen said. A second bodyguard opened the back doors, and three large Rottweilers began growling. The Chechen leaned over and kissed them "My little princes..."

He turned to his bodyguards. "The Batman's invisible to you fools... But my little princes... they can find human meat in complete darkness."

The Chechen moved to the second SUV and grabbed a man and dragged him towards a white van about 30 feet away, the man screaming and rambling the whole way.

Two armed men exited the white van. A third crouched in the shadows.

"Look!" The Chechen shouted. "Look what your drugs did to my customers!"

"Buyer beware..." A voice came from inside.

From the van came Jonathan Crane, in his Scarecrow mask.

"I told your men my compound would take you places," Scarecrow said. "I never said they'd be places you wanted to go."

"My business is repeat customers."

Not A Hero (MCU x Reader x Dark Knight Trilogy)Where stories live. Discover now