8. Meet Harvey

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At the docks in Gotham, a Rolls-Royce was parked in front of a large shipping container. One wouldn't suspect anything to be there, which is exactly why (Y/N) had chosen this location to build a temporary bunker while (L/N) Manor was rebuilt, and the Batcave along with it.

It was here that Alfred found him, sitting in front of a few computer monitors and watching footage of the bank robbery.

"Be nice when (L/N) Manor's rebuilt and you can swap not sleeping in a penthouse for not sleeping in a mansion," Alfred spoke as he walked over.

Alfred set a cup of coffee on the table and noticed (Y/N) stitching his arm back together after an injury suffered that night.

Alfred reached for the needle. "When you stitch yourself up, you make a bloody mess."

"But I learn from my mistakes," (Y/N) countered.

"You ought to be pretty knowledgeable by now, then."

"My armor... I'm carrying too much weight - I need to be faster."

"I'm sure Mr. Fox can oblige." Alfred looked at the gash running up (Y/N)'s upper arm. "Did you get mauled by a tiger?"

"It was a dog." Alfred looked at him strangely. "It was a big dog." He raised his arms to show the Rottweiler's size. "There were more copycats last night, Alfred, with guns."

"Maybe you should hire them and take the weekend off."

"This wasn't exactly what I had in mind when I said I wanted to inspire people."

"I know. But things are improving. Look at the new District Attorney."

(Y/N) pointed at one of the monitors, where a blonde-haired man in a suit was giving a speech. "I am. Closely. I need to know if he can be trusted."

Alfred looked at another one of the videos, which showed the DA getting out of a car with Rachel. "Are you interested in his character... or social circle?"

(Y/N) appeared slightly irritated by the comment. "Who Rachel spends her time with is her business."

"Well, I trust you're not following me on my day off."

"If you ever took one, I might."

Alfred bit the thread, pulling the last stitch into place. "Know your limits, Master (L/N)."

"Batman has no limits."

"Well you do, sir."

"Can't afford to know them."

"And what happens when you find out?"

"We all know how much you like to say 'I told you so.'"

"That day, Master (L/N), I won't want to. Probably."


Harvey Dent burst into the courtroom, suddenly. He was a well-dressed man in his 30's, as well as Gotham City's District Attorney.

"Sorry I'm late, folks," He said as he took a seat next to the Assistant D.A, Rachel.

"Where were you?" She asked.

"Worried you'd have to step up?" Harvey asked.

"I know the briefs backwards."

Harvey pulled a large silver dollar out of his pocket and smirked. "Well, then, fair's fair: heads, I'll take it. Tails, he's all yours."

He flipped the coin, then showed it to Rachel. Heads.

"You're flipping coins to see who leads?"

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