FALL: Post-Credits Scene

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The jeep sped across the grassy field, heading for a small airfield.

Inside was the driver, his passenger, and three men in the back bound with zip ties and with sacks over their heads.

The passenger was Leonid Pavel, PhD. His field was nuclear physics.

At the airfield, a small plane was surrounded by US soldiers, and in front of the plane's boarding ramp was a man in a cowboy stance - a government operative.

The operative handed the driver a case full of cash. "Dr. Pavel, I'm CIA."

"He was not alone," the driver spoke in a heavy accent.

"Uh, you don't get to bring friends," the operative said.

Dr. Pavel shook his head. "They are not my friends." He almost seemed offended by the assumption.

"Don't worry," the driver said as Dr. Pavel boarded the plane. "No charge for them."

"And why would I want them?" the operative asked as the three prisoners approached.

"They were trying to grab your prize..."

The operative shook his head, not understanding.

"They work for the mercenary... the masked man."

The operative seemed excited by this statement. "Bane?"

The driver nodded.

The operative turned to his men. "Get 'em on board - I'll call it in!"


As the plane travelled above the green hills of the countryside, Dr. Pavel found himself a seat near the middle of the plane, while the operative was talking to the prisoners as his men were stationed around the cabin.

"The flight plan I just filed with the agency lists me, my men, Dr. Pavel here," the operative was saying, "But only one of you!" He stepped back and drew his pistol, then motioned for a soldier to open one of the plane's doors. "First one to talk gets to stay on my aircraft!"

A soldier grabbed one of the prisoners and dangled him out the edge of the plane's door as the operative held his gun to the prisoner's head.

"Who paid you to grab Dr. Pavel?"


The operative fired his gun away from the prisoner, out of the plane. "He didn't fly so good! Who wants to try next?"

The soldier returned the prisoner to the rear of the plane, then grabbed a second prisoner and did the same with him.

"Tell me about Bane!" the operative shouted. "Why does he wear the mask?"

More silence.

"A lotta loyalty for a hired gun?"

"Or perhaps he's wondering why someone would shoot a man before throwing him out of a plane!" The voice came from the third prisoner.

The operative wasn't fazed by the prisoner's seeing through his bluff. The soldier closed the door and the operative holstered his gun before kneeling in front of the prisoner.

"Well at least you can talk!" the operative said. "Who are you?"

"It doesn't matter who we are. What matters is our plan."

The operative removed the sack over the man's head, Staring back at him was a face covered by a metal mask with intricate workings that looked important. Behind the mask were cold, deadly eyes.


"No one cared who I was 'till I put on the mask..."

"If I pull that off will you die?"

"It would be extremely painful..."

"You're a big guy-"

"For you."

The operative seemed a little unnerved by the statement, but he tried not to show it. "Was getting caught part of your plan?"

"Of course!" Bane said gleefully. "Dr. Pavel refused our offer in favor of yours, we had to find out what he told you."

As Bane was speaking, another plane came in above the military one.

"Nothing," Dr. Pavel assured him. "I said nothing!"

Bane glared at him.

"Well congratulations, you got yourself caught!" the operative said to Bane.

The turbulence from the other plane was being felt now.

"Now what's the next step of your master plan?"

"Crashing this plane..."

The second plane's ramp opened, and a host of militia forces came out onto the plane below, strung by tethers. They stuck cables into the rear of the military plane.

"With no survivors!" Bane stood and snapped his restraints like they were a piece of cotton candy.

The forces working for Bane fired their weapons into the plane's windows, surprising the soldiers. Bane's allies inside the plane escaped as well, and Bane was going after the operative, punching him with blinding strength.

Outside the cables had been fixed between the two planes, and as Bane's plane sped up, the military one began to go vertical, and its wings fell off.

The US forces fell to the front of the plane, while Bane's forces took cover behind the seats, Bane himself ducking behind one to dodge fire from a still-conscious soldier.

The top of the plane exploded, and Bane's reinforcements arrived with a body bag, shooting the military forces. Bane grabbed Dr. Pavel, and opened the body bag.

Inside was a body of the same size as Dr. Pavel's. They were faking his death.

Pavel cried out as Bane attached a siphon to his arm and began drawing blood into the dead body, before pulling out a harness and trapping pavel to himself, and then attaching the harness to a cable leading outside the plane.

as one of bane's men began to prepare to leave, Bane placed a hand on his soldier, "No! they expect one of us in the wreckage, brother."

The man understood, and removed his cable. "Have we started the fire?"

Bane nodded. "Yes. The fire rises."

Dr. Pavel was still screaming.

"Calm down, Doctor! Now is not the time for fear!" Bane revealed a remote device that would disconnect the cables holding the plane in the air. "That comes later."

Bane pressed the button and the plane's metal shell fell, leaving only Bane and Dr. Pavel, tethered to the larger plane being flown by Bane's men.

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