3. "The Batman has to come back..."

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Lucius Fox was inside the boardroom of (L/N) Enterprises, speaking to Miranda Tate on the subject of something (Y/N) had been working on before effectively turning into a hermit.

"Mr. Fox, I believe in what Mr. (L/N) was trying to do," Miranda was saying, "I'm only asking for explanations because I think I can help."

"I'll pass along your request," Lucius assured her. "Next time I see him."

Miranda seemed to catch something in that statement. "He doesn't talk to you either?"

"Let's just say that (Y/N) (L/N) has his... eccentricities."

"Mr. Fox, are you aware that John Dagget is trying to acquire shares in (L/N) Enterprises?"

"I was not," Lucius admitted. "But it wouldn't do him any good - Mr. (L/N) still retains a clear majority."

Miranda seemed satisfied at this, and left. Lucius went to his office to find someone waiting for him.

"(Y/N) (L/N)," he greeted his old friend, who was leaning on his cane. "As I live and breathe. What brings you out of cryo-sleep, Mr. (L/N)?"

(Y/N) smiled. "I see you haven't lost your sense of humor... even if you have lost most of my money."

"Actually, you did that yourself. See, if you funnel the entire R and D budget for five years into a fusion project that you then mothball, your company is unlikely to thrive."

"Even with-"

"A wildly sophisticated CEO, yes. (L/N) Enterprises is running out of time. And Daggett is moving in."

"What're my options?"

"If you're not willing to turn your machine on-"

"I can't, Lucius."

"Then sit tight. Your majority keeps Daggett at arm's length while we figure out a future for the energy program with Miranda Tate - she's supported your project all the way. She's smart, and quite lovely."

"You too, Lucius?"

"We all just want what's best for you, (Y/N). Show her the machine."

"I'll think it over."

"Anything else?"

"No, why?"

"These conversations always used to end with some... unusual requests."

"I retired."

"Let me show you some stuff, anyway." Fox went over to his desk and pressed a button, which caused a nearby bookcase to open and reveal a hidden elevator.

(Y/N) and Lucius took the elevator to Applied Sciences, where (Y/N) noticed there were many more gadgets, including a couple more tumblers with different weapons.

"I figured you'd have shut this place down," (Y/N) mulled.

"It was always shut down, officially."

"But all this new stuff?"

"After your father died, (L/N) Enterprises set up fourteen different defense subsidiaries. I've spent years shuttering them and consolidating all the prototypes under one roof. My roof."


"Stop them falling into the wrong hands. Besides, I thought someone might get some use of them..."

(Y/N) shook his head.

"Sure I can't tempt you to something?" Lucius continued. "Pneumatic crampons? Infrared lenses? At least let me get you something for that leg."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 29, 2023 ⏰

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