12. Home Again

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Construction crews cleared the rubble beneath (L/N) Tower. Earle entered, and spotted Fox with a hard hat, supervising.

"This is a hard hat area," Fox remarked.

"What are you doing here, Fox? I seem to remember firing you."

"Might be something to do with my new job at (L/N) Enterprises. Didn't you get the memo?"

"Whose authority?"

Fox pointed to (Y/N)'s Rolls-Royce, idling nearby.

Earle banged on the window. (Y/N) rolled it down.

"You think you have authority to decide who runs this company, (Y/N)?"

"It is my company."

"Not anymore. (L/N) Enterprises went public a week ago-"

"And I bought most of the shares."

Earle was speechless. (Y/N) smiled, and the Rolls pulled away.


(Y/N) and Alfred were looking through the remains of (L/N) Manor. It had been thoroughly destroyed, but what was left would be reused.

Rachel found (Y/N) hammering a board on top of the old well.

"Do you remember the day I fell?" (Y/N) asked.

"Of course."

"As I lay there, I knew. I could sense it."


"Childhood's end."

They walked together past the ruins of the house.

"The day you left Gotham... The day Chill was murdered... I said terrible things."

"True things, you made me see that justice is about more than my own pain and anger."

"Well, you proved me wrong."

"About what?"

"Your father would be proud of you. Just as I am."

Rachel's lips pressed against (Y/N)'s, passionately. They broke apart and looked in each other's eyes, hopeful.

"Between Batman and (Y/N) (L/N), there's no room for me."

"Rachel this life I chose... I can give it up."

"You didn't choose that life, (Y/N). It was thrust upon you, the way greatness often is. You've given this city hope, and now she's depending on you. We all are. Goodbye, (Y/N)." She walked away, but then turned back to say one last thing. "What will you do?.

"I'm going to rebuild it. Just the way it was."

Rachel nodded, then left.

Alfred walked up to (Y/N).

"Just the way it was, sir?"

"Yeah, why?"

"I thought we might take this opportunity to improve the foundations."

"In the southeast wing?"

"Precisely, sir."


On the roof of the police station, Gordon sipped a coffee. Next to him was an upturned searchlight with a metal stencil in the shape of a bat strapped to it.

(Y/N) tapped the stencil. "Nice."

"Couldn't find any mob bosses to strap to it."

"Well, Sergeant?"

"It's Lieutenant, now. Commissioner Loeb had to promote me. And he disbanded the task force hunting you."

"And he contacted me," A voice came, stepping from the shadows. The man was dark-skinned, with an eyepatch over one eye.

Gordon stepped back inside the building as the man went to talk with (Y/N).

"Who're you?"

"My name is Nicholas J. Fury. I've been watching you for some time."


"I know who you are, Mr. (L/N). Don't worry, I won't tell anyone. But there's an idea. To bring together a group of remarkable people, so they can fight the battles that we never could." He handed (Y/N) a pile of papers.

The Avengers Initiative

"I'll think about it," (Y/N) said.

Fury nodded, then opened the door to the stairs. "He's all yours," (Y/N) heard him say.

Gordon walked back out. Fortunately, he hadn't heard a word of the conversation. "While you wait for some national emergency, you'll stay here. Right?"

"Of course. I am whatever Gotham needs me to be."

"Then find this guy. Armed robbery, double homicide. Leaves a calling card." Gordon handed (Y/N) an evidence bag, which contained a playing card, like from a poker deck.

(Y/N) flipped the card over. A joker.

"I'll look into it," (Y/N) said, handing the card back to Gordon.

"I never thanked you."

"And you'll never have to."

(Y/N) leapt off the roof, expanding his cloak and gliding away.

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