11. Chaos in Gotham

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Rachel grabbed Gordon's arm. "Gordon! It's me, Rachel! I have the antidote! Gordon-" He tried to pull away, but she was able to inject his arm with the pneumatic syringe.


A ninja was guarding the side door at (L/N) Manor. Suddenly, he was whacked in the back of the head and knocked out.

Alfred was standing there, nine iron in hand. "I sincerely hope you're not from the fire department."

He rushed into the burning house to find (Y/N), still unconscious, under a burning wood board.

He slapped his friend's face, hard. "Master (L/N)! Master (L/N)!"

(Y/N)'s eyes flickered open.

"Sir, whatever is the point of all those push-ups if you can't even-"

(Y/N) glared at Alfred, then forced the board off his face.

They rushed to the study, hitting the three piano keys and opening the entrance to the batcave.

As they lowered themselves down the lift, the house exploded, leaving smoking rubble behind.

(Y/N) stared up at the destruction. "What have I done, Alfred? Everything my family... everything my father and my mother built..."

"The (L/N) legacy is more than bricks and mortar, sir."

"I thought I could help Gotham, but I've failed."

"And why do we fall, sir? So that we might better learn to pick ourselves up."

(Y/N) looked up at his oldest friend. "Still haven't given up on me?"



Gordon stared into Rachel's eyes as the antidote took effect.

"Breathe," Rachel was saying. "Just breathe."

Noise drew Gordon's attention away. Shouting and fighting, not far away. No doubt a result of the toxin.

"Come on."


In another wing of the Asylum, the inmate's cells clinked open. Crane was there, in his mask, releasing every single one of them.


Black scalloped gauntlets thrust onto purposeful hands. A dark cloak whipped around strong shoulders. A graphite cowl placed over an implacable face.

So begins the Batman.

The Batmobile's engine roared to life and shot through the waterfall, on its way to the city.


Rachel sat up from Gordon, and heard something. A horse emerged from the fog.

"Crane!" Rachel shouted.

He shook his head. "Scarecrow."

Crane galloped towards the two of them, but Rachel was fast enough to pull out her taser and hitting Crane in the face with it. He spammed and elanded back on the horse, which bolted away.

Rachel watched him disappear as lunatics closed in on them from all sides...

The Batmobile smashed through the wall. (Y/N) jumped out, and rushed over to Rachel.

A brick smashed into his cowl. The rioters stared at (Y/N) terrified. They threw bricks, bottles, anything they could get their hands on.

(Y/N) grabbed Rachel and pulled out his grapple gun, firing it out and pulling the two of them onto the roof of one of the buildings in the Narrows.

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