9. Road Rage

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The glass windows shattered as a swarm of thousands upon thousands of bats swarmed into the building. Gordon grabbed Rachel and carried her down the steps.

Bats flooded the stairwell, and (Y/N) pulled the sounder out of his boot, dropping it down the center. The bats cycloned towards the signal, and (Y/N) descended in the middle of it, hidden from the SWAT team nearby.

He moved towards one of the cells, and pulled an explosive out of his belt, throwing it at the door, which blasted open. The two inmates looked on, stunned, as (Y/N) exploded the window of their cell and walked through. "Excuse me."


Gordon lowered Rachel onto the asphalt in the alley.

"How is she?" (Y/N)'s voice came from above.

Gordon wouldn't have a chance to answer as a searchlight from a chopper blasted onto them. (Y/N) picked up Rachel.

"Take my car," Gordon said, pointing the opposite direction in which (Y/N) was walking.

"I brought mine."

He had disappeared into the darkness of the alleyway. "Yours?"

Blinding headlights flared from the other end of the alley, and a loud engine roared to life. The Batmobile exploded out of the darkness, blowing by Gordon, whose jaw dropped.

"I gotta get me one of those."

(Y/N) drove, his (E/C) eyes concentrated on the road before him. Rachel slowly began to awaken, and, seeing what was happening, held on, terrified.

The Batmobile sped towards a cop car. The officers inside braced as it smashed into them, rolling over the car's hood, before swerving left and accelerating.

One of the cops grabbed the radio. "He's in a vehicle!"

"Make and color?" The dispatcher asked over the radio.

"It's a black..." He turned to his partner, who shrugged. "...tank."


The Batmobile weaved around traffic, speeding past cars and dodging freeway supports. Rachel braced against the dash, breathing fast.

"You've been poisoned," (Y/N) said, his eyes still on the road. "Stay calm."

He glanced at the GPS display, then back at the road.

Two cop cars pulled up and began to pursue, sirens blaring. (Y/N) noticed them in the rear view and flicked a switch.

Spike strips dropped onto the road ahead of the cop cars, slashing their tires and causing the drivers to skid off the road.

"At least tell me what it looks like..." The Batmobile sped past the cops' position. "Never mind."

It came out from under the elevated roadway and was hit by a spotlight from a chopper.

"Breathe slowly," (Y/N) said to Rachel. "Close your eyes."

She did, but instantly opened them again. "That's worse!"

Three cop cars pulled across the upcoming intersection in a roadblock. Seeing this, (Y/N) skidded into a right turn, right into the entrance of a multi-level parking garage.

Rachel flinched as (Y/N) took out multiple pillars. "What are you doing?"


The Batmobile sped up onto the top level, pursued by multiple cop cars. A chopper aimed it's light at the Batmobile as it pulled back. Seeing the cop cars blocking the way down, (Y/N) hit the brakes.

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