18. The Return of the Batman

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(Y/N) was sitting at home in (L/N) Manor, mindlessly flipping through the channels.

It had been several months since Joker's capture and Harvey's death, the same amount of time since (Y/N) had last put on the suit.

He hadn't been in contact with many people since then - not even Natasha, despite her still leaving a message every now and then.

(Y/N) finally settled on a news channel. "What's the point of cable if there's nothing good on?"

An anchor came on the screen with breaking news. "A bomb hidden in a news van ripped through the UN building in Vienna. More than 70 people have been injured. At least 12 are dead, including Wakanda's King T'Chaka. Officials have released a video of a suspect who they have identified as James Buchanan Barnes, the Winter Soldier. The infamous HYDRA agent, linked to numerous acts of terrorism and political assassinations."

The screen showed an image of Barnes. (Y/N) stood, recognizing him as the man who had tried to assassinate Fury.

And he knew what had to be done.


Alfred came into one of (Y/N)'s rooms a little while later. "Master (Y/N)?"

(Y/N) was not present.

Alfred checked a few other rooms, then went into the study and pressed the three notes on the piano, opening the door to the batcave.

(Y/N) was sitting there, assembling what looked like small explosives, marked with the symbols F and 2H.

"Been a while since you've been down here!" Alfred remarked as (Y/N) turned.

"The situation in Vienna got my attention. I've got to bring Barnes in and stop him from going any further."

"Sir, Mr. Stark is here to see you," Alfred informed him.

"You read my mind. Tell him to come down."

Tony came down a moment later.

"It's been a while!" Tony greeted him with a handshake. "Nice place you got down here. So Batman lives in (Y/N) (L/N)'s Basement?"

"No, (Y/N) (L/N) lives in Batman's attic."

Tony made a small 'hm' noise and picked up one of the canisters (Y/N) had been assembling. "Are these for Cap?"

"Actually, they're for Pietro and Wanda. Their abilities came from Loki's Scepter, so I pulled up some old files on it and studied its structure. Hopefully this will disable them for long enough."

"So the rumors are true," Tony said rather calmly. "The Maximoffs haven't sided with Barnes or Cap as of yet. You do have a plan to take out all of us."

"What do you want?" (Y/N) asked, almost aggressively.

"Your help. Barnes needs to be brought in, you have a knack for bringing in known criminals without killing them."

"I'm gonna need a suit," (Y/N) said. "My current one's not strong enough to withstand an attack from his metal arm."

"I know," Tony said. "I had a suit drawn up for you." He pulled out a small device, which flipped open a small holographic display, showing off the new suit in all its glory. "The v8.05. Has got some of the strongest armor plating I've ever created, along with a cloak similar to the one you use on your suits. The belt's got enough room for some of your gadgets. I've also made the crest gold, to usher in a new era for the Batman."

(Y/N) nodded. "Where's Barnes?"

"Cap's in Romania. Barnes will be close."

(Y/N) nodded. "I'll bring him in."

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