14. The Mission and The Team

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Slade wasn't the greatest criminal in town, but he was low enough in the mob's hierarchy to stay off Batman's radar.

That was, until tonight.

He and some of his fellow henchmen were out with their boss, Oswald Cobblepot, to meet with and strike a deal with Jonathan Crane. Ever since Batman had ruined his operation, Crane was doing his best to lay low, as many major criminals did these days.

Slade stepped out the back of the van, which had been opened by the driver. Oswald stepped off first, one of the other henchmen handing him his cane. Oswald was a short man, who frequently wore a top hat and monocle, with whatever fancy suit he had just bought with the money from whatever bank he just robbed. His enemies had taken to calling him 'The Penguin.'

That is, Oswald was the king of Gotham until a new criminal started robbing Oswald's targets. The one that called himself the Joker. Oswald was meeting with Crane purely to bring up the Joker.

Crane was standing a ways away, with his scarecrow mask on.

"Do we have to do this with the mask, Crane?" Oswald asked, limping over to the doctor.

"It's part of the look, Mr. Cobblepot. Why don't we skip the formalities, and get to business. It is the night, you know. And he loves the night."

"You were the one who advised us to do this at night."

Crane chuckled. "So I did."

"Crane, get to the point."

Slade heard a faint whoosh from above. "Uh, boss?"

"What, Wilson? I'm in the middle of a conversation."

Slade didn't get a chance to answer as Batman dropped down from above, in between Crane and Oswald. He punched Crane, knocking him back a ways, then turned to Oswald and his henchmen.

Batman threw a batarang at Oswald, which the stocky man deftly knocked to the side with his cane.

Unfortunately, the batarang hit Slade and scratched his right eye.

Slade fell over and held his bleeding eye in pain as the other henchmen opened fire on Batman. He blocked the shots with his gauntlets, then threw a small explosive in the middle of all of them, knocking them back but not lethally hurting them.

Police sirens wailed in the distance as Batman engaged with Oswald.

"It's over, Penguin!"

"You think so, huh?"

Oswald raised his cane, which launched an explosive, throwing Batman back and stunning him for a moment. Oswald took this opportunity to run.

Unfortunately, Batman had already gotten back up, and had fired his grappling gun into the ceiling above, swinging into Oswald's back and throwing him over, knocking him out as well.

And as Batman carried Oswald away, there was only one word stirring in Slade's mind as he clutched his bleeding eye socket.



(Y/N) grappled onto the top of the GCPD building, carrying Penguin over his shoulder. As expected, Gordon and a pair of cops were waiting.

(Y/N) set Penguin down and the two cops grabbed him and took him downstairs.

"With Cobblepot gone, maybe this city can finally start to return to normal," Gordon said, half joking about (Y/N)'s appearance.

"Crane was there. He escaped."

"We'll get him one day. There's something more important going on."

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