14. Dear (Y/N)...

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"Can anyone hear me?"

The voice shook Harvey awake. He looked at his surroundings. He was bound to a chair in what looked like an old basement apartment. Barrels lined the room, and on the barrel next to him a phone was sitting, along with a timer that currently read just under five minutes.

"Rachel?" Harvey called out. "Rachel, is that you?"

"Harvey," came her reply. "You're ok. I thought..."

"It's ok, Rachel. Everything's going to be just fine." There was a pause before he began searching for an escape route. "Can you move your chair?"

"No," said Rachel. "Harvey, we don't have much time..."

"Look for something to free yourself." Harvey scooted his chair closer to the timer, but it got stuck in a ridge in the floor.

"They said only one of us was going to make it. That they'd let our... our friends choose."

Harvey strained. Upon trying to get it out, the chair - and him - went toppling over and knocking over one of the barrels.

"Harvey? What's happening?"

Harvey spat as the foul taste of diesel fuel entered his mouth. He turned his head at an angle so that no more got in. But it was still covering the floor.

"Harvey, in case..." Rachel began, "I want you to know something..."

"Don't think like that, Rachel. They're coming for you."

"I know, but I don't want them to." She paused before continuing. "I don't want to live without you. Because I do have an answer, and my answer is yes."


(Y/N) pulled to a stop outside the warehouse. She was just behind that door. He still had time. He could save her. He would save her.

He stepped off the Batpod and ran inside.

In the warehouse was a figure struggling to get free from a tipped-over chair, diesel fuel covering half of their face. Harvey.

The Joker lied.

(Y/N) saw the timer. Five seconds. Acting on instinct, he grabbed Harvey and pulled him out of the chair, as he struggled to get free, shouting Rachel's name over and over. She was saying something on the phone, but (Y/N) couldn't hear it.

An explosion sounded. (Y/N) covered Harvey with his cloak and burst out the door as a second explosion came.

The diesel fuel on Harvey's face ignited, flames covering half of his face. (Y/N) quickly dropped Harvey and rolled him on the wet pavement, putting out the fire, but the damage had been done. He wasn't dead, but he was unconscious.

And though he hadn't yet received confirmation, he knew it in his heart.

Rachel was dead.


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