16. A Dark Knight, Part One

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Detective Wuertz was sitting at the bar. It was relatively empty, and he was the only person there - save for the bartender, who had just gone to the bathroom a moment ago.

That is, until someone else entered.

It was Harvey Dent.

"Hello," he said to Wuertz.

"Dent, I thought you was..." Wuertz began. "Dead."

Harvey stepped into the light to reveal the hideous burns and scars across his face, a hideous Two-Face. "Half." He picked up Wuertz's drink, the latter watching in horror as the former's bare muscles contracted as he swallowed.

"Who picked up Rachel, Wuertz?" Harvey asked.

"It must've been Maroni's men-"

Harvey slammed the glass back on the table. "You, of all people, are gonna protect the other traitor in Gordon's unit?"

"I don't know - He'd never tell me. I swear to God, I didn't know what they were gonna do."

"Funny," Harvey said, pulling out his coin. "Cause I don't know what's gonna happen to you either."

Harvey flipped the coin in the air. It landed on the table, spinning like a top. Wuertz watched as it landed on the scarred side.

Harvey pulled out a gun and shot him.


Lucius entered the dimly-lit R&D room. He had been tipped off about a potential break-in a moment earlier, and had decided to check the place out. Inside, on one of the walls, he found hundreds of tiny computer monitors, all arranged into a giant display. The image began to contort into a black-and-blue map.

"Beautiful, isn't it?" (Y/N)'s voice came from the shadows.

Lucius turned to see both (Y/N) and Natasha standing there, both in their respective suits.

"Beautiful. Unethical. Dangerous," Lucius said accusingly. "You've turned every phone in the city into a microphone..."

"And a high-frequency generator/receiver," (Y/N) said as Lucius pressed a button. Instantly, thousands of voices began coming through.

"Like the phone I gave you in Hong Kong. You took S.H.I.E.L.D's sonar concept and applied it to every phone in the city. With half the city feeding you sonar you can image all of Gotham." He paused before turning back to the two heroes behind him. "This is wrong."

"With all due respect, we need to find the Joker," Natasha said.

"But at what cost?"

"The database is null-encrypted," (Y/N) explained. "It can only be accessed by one person."

"No one should have that kind of power."

"Which is why I gave it to you. Only you can use it."

The machine suddenly focused on one voice and one voice alone. The Joker was speaking to the city.

"What does it take to make you people want to join in?" The Joker was saying. "You failed to kill the lawyer... I've got you off the bench and into the game. So, here it is... Come nightfall, this city is mine. And anyone left here plays by my rules. If you don't want to be in the game, get out now. But the bridge-and-tunnel crowd are in for a surprise."

Lucius turned from the monitor back to (Y/N).

"Trust me," was all the caped crusader said. He plugged a USB into the computer. "This is the audio sample. If he talks within range of any phone in the city, you'll be able to triangulate his position. When you've finished, type your name to switch it off."

"I'll help you this one time..." Lucius said, sitting at the console. "But consider this my resignation. As long as this machine is at (L/N) Enterprises, I won't be."

(Y/N) nodded, then he and Natasha left.


Maroni settled back in his car. It was a limousine, and a nice one at that. Organized crime paid off.

"Don't stop for cops, lights, nothing," He ordered the driver.

"Going to join your wife?" A voice came next to him. Maroni turned to see Harvey sitting there, a gun in his hand. "You love her?"

"Yes," Maroni said, without hesitation.

"Can you imagine what it would be like to listen to her die?"

"Take it up with the Joker," Maroni said nonchalantly. "He killed your woman. Made you like this."

"The Joker's just a mad dog. I want whoever let him off the leash. I took care of Wuertz, but who was your other man in Gordon's unit? Who picked up Rachel? It must have been someone he trusted."

"If I tell you, will you let me go?"

"It wouldn't hurt your chances."

"It was Ramirez."

Harvey pulled out his coin and cocked the gun.

"But you said-" Maroni started.

"I said it couldn't hurt your chances." Harvey flipped the coin. It landed on the good side. "Lucky guy." He flipped again. The bad side. "He's not."


Harvey put his seat belt on. "Your driver."


(Y/N) sat on the Batpod, waiting and listening. Natasha was on a motorcycle of her own a few feet away, waiting for a cue.

"Fox?" (Y/N) asked, noticing something. "There's something going on at the ferries."

The civilians who didn't want to participate in the Joker's 'game' were being put onto ferries, a few hundred at a time. First up were the inmates at Blackgate prison and a group of regular civilians.

The Joker's voice came through (Y/N), Natasha, and Lucius' earpieces. "Tonight, you're all going to be part of a little experiment..."

"I'm zeroing in," Lucius informed them.

"Through the magic of diesel fuel and ammonium nitrate, I'm ready right now to blow you all sky-high. Anyone attempts to get off their boat, you all die..."

Lucius chimed in again. "His voice is on the ferry, but that's not where it's coming from."

"Do you have a location on the Joker?"

"It's west..."

(Y/N) and Natasha gunned their engines at the same time, speeding off towards the ferries.

"But we're going to make things a little more interesting than that. Tonight, we're going to learn about ourselves. There's no need for all of you to die. That would be a waste. So I've left you both a little present. Each of you has the remote to blow up the other boat. At midnight, I blow you all up. If, however, one of you presses the button, I'll let that boat live. You choose. So who's it going to be - Harvey Dent's most wanted scumbag collection, or the sweet innocent civilians? Oh, and you might want to decide quickly, because the people on the other boat may not be quite so noble."

It was now or never.

Do or die.

Tonight, the Joker would come to justice.

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