Reaping for Districts 1, 2, and 3

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Element Christelle P.O.V (District 1)

I'm awoken by my mother, who had forgotten to wake me up earlier, leaving me only one hour to get ready for my second reaping. I quickly jump out of bed and eat a very large breakfast before grooming myself in the bathroom. Already prepared for me is a marvelous red ruby covered dress. This must have costed a fortune. Minutes after fully preparing myself for the reaping, the reaping bell sounds.

I nervously walk to reaping square, afraid that there might not be enough volunteers this year, meaning that I could be reaped. It is only my second year in the reaping, meaning I have only two slips of paper in the reaping bowl, but you never know what might happen.

I gather myself with all the other thirteen year olds, many of whom seemed scared, due to the required job of Shampoo Production, always bringing up the torture of being reaped as a young person, although this was always unlikely.

The Districts new escort, Hermonia Dipps, came out from Town Square, before bringing up the history of the games. After her rather boring speech, she shoved her hand in the one reaping bowl this year, due to it not mattering about how many of each gender were reaped.

Immediately after reading the first syllable of a name, a shout of I volunteer comes from the crowd. A tall and beautiful girl walked up to the platform from the section dedicated to seventeen year olds. On the platform, she was asked her name and age, to which she said Aroura Mayword, age 17. Hermonia gave her an unnecessary round of applause before going to reap another tribute.

Before the name was even announced, a shout of "I volunteer!" Was heard from the back of the enclosure. A second after these two words, a very muscular guy from the back of the enclosure went to the platform, where Hermonia almost instantly said "This man is eager!", before asking for his name and age. He gave the name Rare Gransor, and the age of 18, before saying "And yes, I am a career you can root for!" and then muttering under his breath "Unlike this skinny weakling", looking Aroura up and down.

Before Hermonia was given the chance to reap another tribute, two simultaneous shouts of "I volunteer!", were heard from the crowd. It was revealed that these two shouts were from a boy and a girl, so Hermonia said "Ladies first, and then you may go other volunteer"

The lady walked forward before revealing herself to be 15-year-old Ova Mills, who claimed to be fierce, and ready to fight for her District. This was clearly obvious due to a visible tattoo on her neck that read "I ❤️ The Hunger Games".

After Ova took a seat, the boy showed himself as a short and skinny young boy, who said he was Malachite Forson, aged 16. I thought that there was no way this boy could be 16! He didn't look a day over 13! It is shocking how some people can look so young.

The next person who shouted "I volunteer!" Was a tall muscular boy how revealed himself as 17-year-old Celestio Calving.

Celestio Calving P.O.V (District 1)

I can't believe it. I actually volunteered! The one thing I remind myself to do, is to not kill, only if necessary. When I tell this to the escort Hermonia, Aroura starts to laugh hysterically, saying "Why would you volunteer if your not even going to kill?!" I ignore her as another tribute volunteers.

She announces herself to be 18-year-old Selene Swift, before saying "I am happy to be the Districts 5th tribute this year!" 5 tributes were already reaped. I am just now realizing that many poor youths who did nothing wrong will die this year. I kind of regret volunteering, for the main reason of the high chance of death I have, as well as the deadliness of the careers, (even though I am considered one), they are always feisty and will most likely torture you until you die from a long, and painful death.

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