Training (Game 2)

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Astrid Danks (District 5)

"The training center is a lot larger than I thought!" Gill says in disbelief.

"I know! It is shocking how large of a training center The Capitol can build, when they can't even feed my District properly." I say back.

"Yeah, it is really unfair how the Districts get treated compared to the Capitol," Tike says.

I agree with him, but I do not want to say things about The Capitol while I'm here. They hear everything.

We decide to do a few of the weaponry stations, before making our way to some of the toxicological stations, just in case there is some berries we want to eat in the arena.

I start out in the archery station with Gill, while Tike practices in the nearby spear throwing station.

Gill's aim is not so good, while my shots hit the edge of the target on average.

We notice many of the gamemakers watching us, most likely to add our skills, as notes for our assessments. It is common for the gamemakers to do this, but I cannot figure out why. Maybe it is to trick us tributes into thinking our training score will also depend on what we do during training.

I begin to head to the toxicological station with Gill and Tike, where we are introduced to the stations Training Assistant, Cassia Ring.

Cassia is very kind to Pike, Gill and I. She helps us determine whether plants are poisonous or not, with a strategy she made, called Books and Bombs.

The strategy is something strange that many people would not except could help you.

We use the toxicological station for a while before we are called to the nights feast.

Grayling Odair (District 4)

The spear station contains of the spears, and me. I scared off the stations trainer, and the other tributes. I throw the spears as accurately, and as strong as I can, leading to me hitting the bullseye almost every throw. I'm clearly the best, and the biggest threat.

There is no doubt that I will make it to the grand final games. If I can get a spear, or the supplies to make my own, than I will be set for the games.

I won't worry about food because we're only going to be in the arena for three or four days. That should be an easy time to go without food. I've gone for much longer.

I get back to spear training, and request to spear fight a peacekeeper specialized in spear arts. I easily beat him 9 - 6. He is my easiest opponent ever.

For the rest of the training time, I do not go to the useless stations, but instead, I make my way around the weaponry stations, except for the stupid archery station, to get good with every weapon before the games. I'm soon taken to the nights feast.

Lumina Lunark (District 5)

I'm the only tribute who has used the sewing station since training began. I sew many scarves, that if I manage to duplicate in the arena, where is a high chance I won't freeze to death like that tribute a few years back.

Sewing is more fun than I excepted. If I can sew while in the arena, I can go hours without being bored, maybe even days.

Once the "1 hour left" mark hits, I transfer myself from the sewing station to the obstacle course on the other side of the training center.

My attempts to cross the extreme course all fail. During my best attempt, I only got halfway through the course. After failing my eighth attempt, Grayling begins laughing at me from the nearby axe station, trying to make out the words "I'd bet my life you can't make it across one more time." I can barley hear her over her laughing, but I can barley make out the words.

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