Train (Game 2)

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Farlette Crossley (District 5)

I enter the train, where many District 4 tributes are sitting by a fountain pouring a substance I think is chocolate. They continuously dip berries in this chocolate, before eating them. That sounds disgusting.

I sit by myself in a corner of the train carriage, taking in the fact that I was just reaped for the hunger games. Many past Crossley's have also been reaped, and all of them had done well in the games, but never won.

My great aunt Finch was reaped for the chaotic 74th games. Her death caused my grandmother to go insane, before committing suicide just days after she gave birth to my mother.

It was highly predicted that I would be reaped for the games sometime in my life, so I prepared myself. I studied many different types of survival techniques, and even taught myself how to use knives. I'm not that good with knives, but at least I have experience.

I spend over half of the train ride reading a book by the Victor, Beetee Laiter. This is until I'm approached by a younger tribute that I think is from District 6. "I'm Minnesota," she says. "What is your name?"

"I'm Farlette," I respond.

"Will you be my ally?" She asks.

"I'm sorry," I say truthfully. "I was planning on going solo."

Going solo is one of the best strategies you could do. You won't have to share food, or watch your allies die.

"Oh, it's okay" Minnesota says, before she drops a single year from her eye.

"Please don't cry!" I whisper to her as she walks away, more tears running down her face.

I read for the rest of the train ride, learning about many toxic kinds of plants.

Pike Tyson (District 4)

Right after getting on the train, I am approached by Grayling. The amount of hatred I have for her is unbelievable. She bit off my hand. I have plenty of reason to hate her.

"I'm truly sorry for biting off your hand. I swear it was an accident! Would you like to ally with me in the games?" She asks.

"Let me think about it," I tell her, not knowing if I fully believe that she is sorry.

"I will ally with you," I tell Grayling, only because I need an ally if I want to win.

Grayling and I sit at our own table, and discuss the games, and agree that we should offer an alliance to a few other tributes.

Together, we approach Gill and Astrid, who are talking to each other at a nearby table.

Grayling quickly offers an alliance with the pair, to which they both happily accept. We are now an alliance containing only tributes between the ages of 13 and 15.

The four of us sit at our own table, discussing what we our useful in, which for Grayling, is spears. She always seemed like a great spear fisher when I worked along side her at our District's large lake.

I also learn that Gill is okay with tridents. I'm not that great with any weapon, but I am okay with a spear.

Astrid says that she is familiar with archery. Grayling gets very upset by this, saying that archery is useless, and that she will never ally with an archer, because they are awful fighters at close distance.

"You would you leave your allies just because one is an archer?" I ask.

"Archers are useless. Anyways I was using you three for free kills. I would have easily killed you in your sleep! Did you actually think I was sorry?!"

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