District 2 Interviews

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Justice Flickerman (Capitol Interviewer)

"Welcome back everyone!" I shout to the camera and crowd surrounding me.

"Please welcome, Cyprus Castro!"

On queue, Cyprus comes to the stage in a dazzling golden suit that reflected off of the bright studio lights.

Cyprus takes a seat, and the interview begins.

"Hello Cyprus," I say to greet him.

"Hey Justice!" He says back.

"One question we have been asked a lot, is: Will you be teaming up with anyone in these games?"

"Unfortunately not Justice, I've decided to go solo for these games." He says. "That does not mean I won't try my best though!"

"What great reasoning," I truthfully tell him.

"Another question we have been getting is: Why did you volunteer first at the reaping?"
I ask.

"I volunteered first because that would mean I am beyond eager to win these games!" He exclaims.

He continues to smile as I check on his interview time remaining, 36 seconds.

"For your last question, Do you believe you will win the grand final games?"

"Of course I can! That will be as easy as shooting a bow and arrow up into the air!" Cyprus shouts, clearly thinking that he is going to win.

The timer goes off only seconds later, followed by a smiling Cyprus to wave as he walked off the stage.

The next interviewee is Aurelius.

He enters the stage, his long blonde hair seeming shorter than before. He is clothed in a designer suit that looks amazing on him. This clearly cost a fortune to make.

"Welcome Aurelius!" I say to greet him.

"Thanks for the welcome!" He says back, holding an expression that looks like he is in deep thought.

I soon decide to ask the first question I have prepared. "I heard that you will be teaming with four other careers, is that true?"

"Yes it is true! I will be teaming with Juliana, Gallus, Clemensia, and Septima" he exclaims excitedly.

"I cannot wait to see that!" I tell him.

"The next question I have for you is: Why are you teaming with such a large alliance?"

"We have decided that since six tributes from this game will make it to the grand final, we will all try our best to stay alive until then."

"What a great strategy!" I tell Aurelius to be given back a simple

"Thank you."

His interview ends soon. Aurelius leaves the stage as Juliana Potenzis is welcomed. "I want Aurelius' suit so bad," I whisper under my breath as Juliana reveals herself in a tight, small golden dress that showed off more of her body than needed. I proceed to ask the first question.

"If you could fight one tribute right now, who would it be?"

In a heartbeat she answers "That stupid Carnelian boy. Right before my training assessment he laughed at me and said I'm beyond useless."

"If he said it, it must be true" I say jokingly.

She gives me a death glare, clearly wanting to tell me something, but she manages to stay quiet.

"Who do you think as the biggest threat so far?"

"Mila," she says almost instantly. "Mila seems a little to psychotic for a career."

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