Day 3: (Game 2)

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Kinetica Jersete (District 5) 7:16 AM

I wake to the sound of birds chirping, and squirrels jumping around in the trees. Morph and Blue-Jay are already awake, conversing quietly about the fine food of The Capitol.

It is amazing How much we would pay to go back and eat it. Their food is so unique and amazing! Once you start eating it, it is almost impossible to stop!

Ling wakes up a couple minutes later, and goes for a walk to the main lake with Blue-Jay. Morph and I are left to watch our supplies. We wouldn't want any of it to be stolen, or eaten by the dumb squirrels.

Morph and I discuss tactics and other tributes alive until Blue-Jay and Ling get back, at which point we all begin to go hunting throughout the forests.

Blue-Jay and I lead the pack, using our swords to slash through all of the trees and leaves in our way.

We find a few larger packs of squirrels, but no tributes until lunch time, which makes Ling somewhat difficult to deal with. She is suffering something. She won't stop blabbing on about "The secret potion daddy said to drink."

We all think that her brain went out since being in the games, or that she is sick. Other than acting weird, she has no other symptoms of being sick, so we correctly say that she is going crazy in the arena.

We find Lumina. Around lunchtime, we see her taking a sip from the small lake surrounding a bloodied campsite she must have created.

The four of us slowly turn around, and walk to her front side, which contains larger trees that are easier to hide behind.

Once she seems distracted by treating her leg, I run in.

Before she has the chance to run away, I am telling her "I am sorry," and slicing my sword through her head. Her cannon sounds before her detached head hits the floor.

If we can kill the tributes this easily, we should be able to make it very far in the games.

Our next few hours are filled with conversations of our Districts, hunting, and swimming, which is relatively uneventful, other than the fact that we found a great source of target practice. We would stab a squirrel in the tail, and pin it to a tree. It is a great makeshift target, and holds all sorts of weapons greatly.

Grayling Odair (District 4)  8:19 AM

I am very mad that I did not find any tributes last night while they were sleeping. They would be much easier kills! Upset and tired, I take my first nap of the morning, not bothering to secure any of my supplies. Anyone who dares to take my stuff, knows that they're dead.

I eat a short breakfast, and make my way back to the cornucopia island, where I will spend a little bit of the day before going hunting again.

The surrounding lake is freezing cold. It will be a big pain in the ass to swim in when I bring all of my supplies.

Back on the main cornucopia island, I take a brief moment to look at the beautiful scenery of cherry trees, Palm trees, and oak trees, along with the wet grasslands before I go back out hunting.

When I leave the island, the surrounding lake is very cold, and hard to swim through while holding many supplies, one of which is a deadly weapon that could kill you easily if it pierces your skin.

I enter the tree line, that will bring me to the location of many tributes. Yesterday, I spent most of my time in the northern sector of the arena. Nobody was there, so they must be near the south.

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