Day 1: (Game 1)

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Element Christelle (District 1)

I run away with Selene and Celestio as cannons begin to sound.


That is five deaths, along with Cicero, which makes six dead, eighteen left.

We keep run south for fifteen minutes, before we take a break to go through our bags. During the bloodbath, I managed to grab a backpack, and a singular knife, which is nothing compared to what Celestio and Selene got.

"Let's see what is in my bags" Celestio says as he grabs the two bags he grabbed at the bloodbath.

"A survival knife, an empty bottle, a few small packets of fruit, and a long rope are in this one" he says, pointing at the orange bag.

He begins to read the contents of his green bag. "A loaf of bread, two full water bottles, and a lot of rocks?"

I am happy that he has water, but am confused why he would get a bag containing rocks.

Selene begins to go through her contents. In her purple backpack, she shows two bread loaves, a small container of dried beef, a full water bottle, an empty water bottle, and a water purifier.

Selene and Celestio both have their preferred weapons, so I think we will be good for a while. I rest on a small patch of grassy land under a tree. This must be the only grassy patch in this whole area, because all I can see on the ground, is a mixture of snow and footsteps.

As I try to sleep, I hear Celestio and Selene having a private conversation.

"I see Cyprus walking around! We should go and recruit him!" Celestio says.

"No way! We are not going to recruit another career! They could easily take over and kill us!"Selene replies.

"Your right. We should head away from him." Celestio tells Selene.

"Yeah. I'll carry Element." Adds Selene.

Before she can touch me, I pop up and say "I heard your conversation, I can walk."

Me popping up had scared Selene, who jumped away, before responding with "Ok!"

I grab my pack, which I have not gone through yet, and my singular knife, and begin to follow Celestio, who walks much faster than Selene and I.

We eventually catch up with Celestio, who starts to climb a tree, in an effort to get a good view of the cornucopia, or the other tributes locations.

According to Selene, what Celestio was doing is a smart idea, so she recommends that we do the same. I begin climbing the tree next to Celestio, but make sure to not climb to high, so if I fall down, I will get hurt, but not die.

We sit in the trees for a good amount of time before it is recommended that I go through my bag. I tell my allies what I have. "I have a block of cheese, A pack of throwing knives! Jackpot! A loaf of bread, a box of matches, and an empty water bottle.

"I am proud of all that we have," Celestio happily cheers from his tree.

"It is amazing that you have knives, we all have our preferred weapon now!" Cheers Selene.

She is true, but this is not a good thing. I do not want to do any killing at all! It might be the only way I can win though.....

Alexa Macon (District 3)

I am so happy that Beta and I made it past the bloodbath, unlike some unsuccessful tributes.

I managed to grab an axe, and a backpack, thanks to Beta, who saved me from suffering an evil death.

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