District 1's Interviews Part 2

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The rest of Ova's interview went rather well, with the next interview being Malachite Forson's.

Malachite enters the stage in a matte purple suit, which fits tightly on him.

Once he takes a seat, I begin to ask the questions. "For a career, why do you think you got one of the lowest career scores between now and the 94th games?"

"I honestly do not care. I can easily prove my score wrong in the arena." He responds, seeming rather confident.

"I believe you" I say back, unsure if I'm actually believing him.

The rest of the interview is rather awkward, with me asking questions for him to give very short answers.

The next interview is that of Celestio.

He walks to the stage in a fantastic golden suit, covered with very small diamonds. "So far I like your costume best" I tell him truthfully.

"Thank you Justice," he responds.

"Your welcome," I tell him, ready to ask the first question.

"I heard that you will be teaming with Element, why is that?"

"I wanted to team with Element because she would make a good ally, and she could use some help in the arena. Everybody could always use a little assistance." He says, sounding like he is only teaming with her because she is young.

"That is so kind of you" I respond, to which he grins.

"Are excited for the upcoming games?" I ask.

"At first when I volunteered I was, but now I have a different perspective."

I almost instantly ask "Do you regret volunteering?"

"I do not Justice, just I fell like it would be better off if I had not."

"Ahh, I see" I tell him, the interview about to end. The last question I ask him is "If it came down to it, would you kill Element?"

"Of course not! She is my ally" he responds very defensively. The timer goes off, indicating the end of his interview. He waved goodbye, before walking off the stage, just before Selene comes out in a stunning velvet dress.

"Hey Justice," she says is a rather loud, and high voice.

"Hello Selene," I respond back.

"How have you been doing during your time in The Capital?" I ask.

"It has been an amazing experience. The food here is amazing, and the views. It has been amazing but I would rather be back at home with my family."

"So does that mean you regret volunteering?"

"Yes, but this act could have saved the life of a perfectly innocent child, so I will do my best to protect my ally, Element."

The next question I ask is "If you were the final tribute along with Element, what would you do?"

"I would sacrifice myself for her" Selene says almost the second after I ask the question.

"Good to know, good to know," I say in deep thought. Selene's story confuses me. Why would she volunteer if she knows that she will sacrifice herself for a tribute.

I figure she only wanted to volunteer in the moment. Her interview soon ends, with the remaining ten seconds we had left, spent staring at the timer behind my back.

The next interview is that of Carnelian. He wears a suit that makes him seem shorter than he already is. "How's your evening been Justice?" He says as his greeting to me.

"Thanks for asking, I'm doing great, how about you" I tell him.

"I've been quite nervous for my interview, but now I'm feeling amazing!" I think this is the best interview start I have had from a 15-year-old since Karma Hart during the 77th Hunger Games. No one can beat Karma's amazing entrance.

Karma entered the stage through a thick cloud of smoke, to reveal herself in a very small bikini that showed her skinny body. This was noted to be "inappropriate" but it was still shown on Capital TV as if it was nothing.

"Do you think your age will bring you a disadvantage in the arena?" I ask Carnelian.

"It will bring me a disadvantage, but also many advantages, like I will be able to hide in smaller areas, and I will be able to climb objects a lot easier."

"Great reasoning" I tell Carnelian, who has an interesting looking smirk on his face.

The rest of the interview is kind of boring, with not as interesting questions being asked. Soon, the last interviewee until the break, came up to the stage.

The name "Element Christelle" was called, making a small girl wearing a large, flowing velvet dress, come up to the interview chair.

Element takes a seat, allowing the cameras to get a good view on her faces, which holds a giant grin.

The first question I ask is "If you could save one of your allies, who would it be, Selene or Celestio?"

"That is like choosing between children! Impossible!" She says, clearly not having a favorite.

"Well if you could only choose one tribute to defend you, who would it be?" I ask.

"Selene" she says. "I would choose Selene because she is better at long distance weaponry, while Celestio is better at short distance fighting."

Before I get to respond, the timer goes off. Element says "Thank you for your time", before  waking off the stage.

"That is all we have for now!" I shout to the crowd. After the break, it will be Cyprus' turn.

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