Train (Game 1)

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Gallus Heath (District 2)

The pathetic looking tributes from District 3 have just arrived. I practically stalk them with my alliance I have made, containing Aurelius, Juliana, Septima, Clemensia and I. We have all decided that we do not want any of the useless District 1 tributes in our alliance, so for now, we keep it at this.

Clemensia brings up the topic of weaponry, we all tell our preferred weapons, which for Juliana is throwing knives, Aurelius is a sword, Septima is duel daggers, Clemensia is a bow and arrow, and for me, either a sword or throwing knives. I'm great with both. Our pack talks about weaponry for a long period of the train ride, until near the end, Cicero, the tiny muppet, asks to be in our alliance. Aurelius and I start laughing hysterically, until Juliana replies with "Sure, we'd love to have you!" Aurelius and I give looks to Juliana, who mouths, for now, and than grins. This is why I like you Juliana.

Cicero manages to see this, and gets really upset at Juliana, before storming off. "You should have told us later!" Aurelius shouts, Clemensia and I instantly agreeing.

"Uggh" Juliana sighs.

"It's fine" I tell her. "It's not like he can do anything".

We all begin to laugh which annoys Cicero, who storms off to the carriage containing the escorts. "He even needs the escorts to calm him down" Septima says in the middle of laughing. We all continue to laugh for a while until Clemensia gets us back on track and begins to talk about our plan for the bloodbath.

We end up agreeing that all of us will run straight in, manage to get as many kills as we can, and then guard the cornucopia, meaning that we are the main career pack.

Selene Swift (District 1)

Once getting on the train, I am quickly approached by Celestio, who offers an alliance. Behind him, I see a tiny Element, that is peeking from behind his back, looking over at me, all puppy eyed. "Get over here" I kindly tell the pair.

I ask Element how she had formed an alliance with Celestino so quickly, to which she said "He came up to me and offered one. He probably thought I was to weak to fight for myself though."

"No! No!" Celestio screams. "I wanted to ally with you because you look 'capable'", he said, a good chance he was lying.

"I'll take your word" Element said, rolling her eyes.

We decide to get ready for the games, by telling each other knowledge of what we will do in different arenas, and what we will do together during the pre-game events, such as training. We all soon gather ideas, mainly of which contained what each of us should cover during training.

Sirius Bills (District 3)

As I enter the train, I immediately start looking around for any tribute who would be a good ally. Barley any choices that seem worthy and loyal pop up, only Alexa, and Beta who were now talking to each other. I decide to keep to myself, and get a book from one of the book carriages, written by Garrison Harper, the victor of the 14th Hunger Games, who was also from District 3.

Halfway through the train ride, I finish the book, having a whole different thought spectrum on the upcoming games. This book contained many smart strategies, and many pieces of knowledge that would be worth knowing in the arena, such as how the force field works, and if you should run to, or from the cornucopia at the start of the games. This book could be my key to victory.

Ova Mills (District 1)

All of the other tributes seem pathetic, so I decide to go solo for these games. There are a lot of advantages, and disadvantages of going solo, such as, you would not use up as much food or water, and you would have a harder chance of fighting an alliance.

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