Capitol Update: Day 1 (Game 2)

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Justice Flickerman (Capitol Interviewer)

"Justice Flickerman here with your Day 1 update for game two!" I say excitedly to the camera.

"We got a lot of action in the bloodbath. The first bloodbath death we got, was Genera, who was beat to death by Caidence's bat, quickly followed by Auta who was speared through the head while standing on her podium. Auta was killed by Grayling."

"The next death was that of Minnesota, who was stabbed in the neck with Kinetica's sword."

"Hippolytus was next. He had been speared through the heart by Grayling, who managed to kill Aquario seconds later, and then she killed Bonnet with her spear! All of this was in the period of twelve seconds!"

"Narelle was the next dead. She was hit with a trident thrown by Marino."

"Narelle's death was shortly followed by her ally, Marsh's death. Marsh was beaten by Caidence's bat, and then finished off by Grayling a few minutes later."

"Tiberius was the next dead, after he was slashed with a sword by Blue-Jay."

"The last official bloodbath death was that of Gill, who was speared by Grayling."

"The next tribute was also killed by 'Gruesome Grayling'. Corvette was speared, and then tossed around until she was killed."

"That is day ones Capitol Update! I'll see you tomorrow for the next recap!"

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