Capitol Update: Day 4

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Justice Flickerman (Capitol Interviewer)

"Welcome back to Capitol Updates! The first death of day four was that of Dart. He was stabbed to death by Mila."

"The only other death of the day, was that of Clemensia, who was eaten alive by the vicious deer."

"We now have all of our Game 1 victors, give it up for Selene Swift, Celestio Calving, Element Christelle, Mila Manstron, Alexa Macon, and Beta Gates!"

The five girls and one boy make there way to the stage, where they each say some encouraging words that will be given on to the tributes of Game #2 later in the year.

I cannot wait for Game 2 and the action it will have in store for us.....

Place all tribute suggestions here:

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