The Training Scores

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Justice Flickerman (Capitol Interviewer)

"Welcome back to Capital TV!" I excitedly say to the audience present, the tributes watching In their apartments, and all the viewers watching at home.

"I will now be releasing the training scores!" I say. First up, Aroura Mayword with a score of 9.68.

Aroura Mayword (District 1)

"They really gave me a nine! Oh my! Someone will pay for this!!!" I scream in my apartment to no one in particular. I try my best to calm down as Justice now says Rare's score. 10.94! That is amazing! Rare starts cheering, jumping around excitedly on the floor above me. Lucky him.

Justice Flickerman (Capital Interviewer)

"10.94! Rare must have done something amazing" I say to the cameras and the crowd surrounding me. The next score belongs to Ova Mills. 10.57!" I excitedly exclaim. These tributes are doing well this year. Well for this round of the games, over half the tributes are careers.

"With a score of 9.12, Malachite Forson!"

"The next score we have belongs to Celestio. 9.89!"

"Oh my! The next score belongs to Selene Swift. 10.92!" The crowd begins to go wild. I wonder what she did for her assessment?

"The score of Carnelian is 8.46!"

"And for the last score of District 1, the one and only Element Christelle, 8.98!"

Element's fans begin to cheer loudly as I go into the scores for District 2.

"Cyprus Castro, with a score of 10.49!"

"With a score of 10.11, Aurelius Breen!"

"Following Aurelius with a similar score, Juliana Potenzis, with a 10.07!"

"The next score belongs to Gallus Heath! 10.54!"

"The next score belongs to Mila Manstron! 11.21! Phenomenal!"

"With a score of 10.23, Septima!"

"After Septima to perform was Clemensia, who earned a score of 10.17!"

"The last score of District 2, Cicero Deltus, a 1?"

"The scores never lie," I say jokingly.

"For Dart Plummer, a score of 9.50!"

"A much different score was given to Javio, 3.49."

"The next score belongs to Beta Gates, 7.60!"

"After Beta was Sirius, who managed to get a 7.78!"

"Alexa Macon, with an 8.65!"

"Styleen earned a 4.24!"

"The last scores belong to the best friends, Link and Cache! Cache scored a 4.80, while Link scored 2.00! Give it up to our tributes!"

The interviews take place the next evening.

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