Day 4: (Game 1)

10 0 0

Gamemaker P.O.V

We watch the cameras as the peacekeepers go into the arena. Every tribute is unconscious by our famous sleeping gas. The plan Black Heart told us, was that the tributes would be placed back on their podiums, all of there supplies and weapons, along with some new goodies, will be waiting in front of them inside the cornucopia. This will make a killer showdown.

The tributes are set to wake up exactly at noon. That is in 3, 2, 1.

Selene Swift (District 1) 12:00 PM

I stand on my podium. Not this again! The last thing I remember is a yellow gas entering the arena. I look around to see Celestio one the podium to my left, and Element two podiums to my right. Only the middle 8 podiums are being used.

The countdown starts at 10.

Should I run in, or away. My life is depending on this choice I'm about to make. I'm going to run, and hope no other tributes beside my allies find me.


Every tribute, except for my alliance, sprint in. That is all I see before I am long gone in the forest. Element and Celestio, quickly find, and then follow me, as we run away.

Mila Manstron (District 2) 12:00 PM

"This is what you get for killing the tribute that killed Gallus!" I scream in Dart's face, shoving my knife deep into his neck. These games will end soon.

To my right, Alexa and Beta are fleeing with a singular axe, while to my right, Clemensia is running away with a bow and two arrows.

I'm left with the cornucopia, lucky me.


I might have to clear soon, or the hovercraft won't pick up Dart's body, which is already starting to stink.

That is when I hear the cannon, the last cannon


"Yes! I made it to the grand final!" I scream into the air as Horn of Plenty begins. In the sky, it shows every fallen tribute so far, in the order of their deaths, along with the cause of there death. I watch as it passes through Sirius, Link and others, before Day threes fallen is shown.

Juliana Potenzis (District 2)

Cache Zeltonio (District 3)

Gallus Heath (District 2)

Rare Gransor (District 1)

Aroura Mayword (District 1)

And finally.... Clemensia Liu (District 2)

For Clemensia, the cause of death says "eaten by vicious deer." The games just began, again. How did she die so fast? There is no way she could have been eaten by deer that quickly.

I dismiss the thought. "I am a Victor now!" I scream into the air victoriously.

"Congratulations every tribute alive, for making it to the grand final! You will now be airlifted to safety." Justice's cheery voice says. Never once have I been so happy to hear his voice.

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