Day 4: (Game 2)

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Grayling Odair (District 4) 4:42 AM

It would be best for me to hunt very early in the morning while most tributes are still sleeping, so that is the exact strategy I use.

I make my way off of the cornucopia island, with a count of two spears, and no other materials, into the ice cold lake water, that barley affects me at all when I dive into it.

Once I've swam onto the main grassland of the arena, I walk through the paths of large, fluffy pink trees, searching for unsuspecting prey.

A few minutes after I entered the woods, I'm attacked by a pack of squirrels.

I scream and run back to the cornucopia, now noticing how much more vicious they have gotten over the last night.

The gamemakers are most likely going to use them to chase tributes back to the cornucopia, where I will be able to slaughter them.

The squirrels do not touch me at all, but they manage to chase me to the cornucopia lake, where they turn around, and do not chase me any further.

I guess I will not be able to kill any tributes this morning, which is so annoying since I am blood thirsty.

I swim back to the cornucopia, where I sit down, until around seven in the morning, when I hear Gamemaker Black Heart begin to announce something to us tributes.

"Good Morning tributes! You have done so great in the arena so far! In two hours, the squirrels in the arena will become deadly! To help you survive this, in one hour, a feast will concur at the cornucopia, continuing six bottles of squirrel repellent. Good luck, and as always, May the Odds be Ever in Your Favor!"

Yes! Fresh bait! It'll be obvious that I will get some kills during this feast, and maybe even get the last few kills here!

Morph Rodriguez (District 6) 7:19 AM

The previous announcement awoke Kinetica, Ling and Blue-Jay, who were fast asleep until then.

We all agree to go to this feast, with us all having weapons to defend ourselves. Blue-Jay and Kinetica each have swords, while Ling and I have small daggers.

In around thirty minutes, we begin the short walk to the cornucopia lake, where we crouch down in the west of the lake, barley managing to hide ourselves from Grayling's view.

As the feast table rises, us, along with Astrid and Pike dive into the water and swim to the island. Where is the other tribute? There is one more left. They might not want to risk their life at the feast. That is their choice though.

Pike and Astrid have Grayling's full attention, as they reached the island a split second before us.

Blue-Jay tells Kinetica and Ling to stay behind while me and him run up to the feast table. Ling listens, but Kinetica does not, with her choosing to cover us.

The three of us each grab a bottle, leaving three bottles left.

We swim off of the island, and we see spear flying out of Grayling's hand, and into a tributes head, quickly followed by a cannon.


I am so happy that all of us survived that risky feast! Pike and Astrid were great helps with diverting Grayling's attention.

I thank the two of them, as another cannon sounds.


Only one more tribute needs to die before we can get out of this hellhole.

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