Day 1: Bloodbath (Game 2)

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Astrid Danks (District 5)

We fly up our tubes, and onto our podiums, where we can get a good view of the arena.

The arena reminds me of spring. We are covered by trees with pink leaves, while our podiums are surrounded by a frozen lake, that leads to the cornucopia.

I hope this ice doesn't break...

My wish is almost automatically declined.

The ice begins to melt very quickly, leaving us tributes surrounded by freezing cold water in front of us, and behind us. The countdown begins from 60 seconds.

Fortunately for me, I know how to swim, but I'm not that good at it.

A small island is what the cornucopia sits on. Just a small, and sandy island, covered with the metal cornucopia, a few backpacks, a large count of every weapon imaginable, including spears, tridents, ninja stars, swords, throwing knives, bow and arrows, and bats!

Darn it... Bats... Caidence is lucky. She will be on a killing spree with the singular bat in the cornucopia, unless I can take it first...

I toss this thought into the back of my brain, and save it for later as I look at the other items on the cornucopia island.

There is a few life jackets. Too bad that they can't be given to tributes right now. A few ropes are visible. There is a large, black crate in the back of the cornucopia. I wonder what is in there?

The only other items I can see, is some food, and some water. Before I figure out where I'm going to run to when the games begin, the gong sounds.

I dive forwards, and swim as fast as I can to the cornucopia island. As I come up for breath, I see many tributes swimming faster than me, including Gill and Pike, who are just now climbing up onto the island. Behind me, a few tributes stand on their podiums, not knowing how to swim. That is horrible for them.

A few seconds later, I get onto the cornucopia island, and decide to forget about the bat, which Caidence holds defensively in her hands. Instead, I sprint for a water bottle, and a backpack. I get the water bottle, but am approached by Blue-Jay, who is armed with a sword.

I run away with only the water bottle, not wanting to be killed by Blue-Jay.

I swim away from the cornucopia island, to see two of the three tributes who have not gotten off of their podiums, dead, spears sticking out of their chests. Grayling...

As the other tribute on their podium is killed by a spear, most likely thrown by Grayling, I stand away from the cornucopia, waiting for Gill and Pike, who are swimming towards me.

I cheer them on as they climb up onto the sand, that leads to the grass of the main ground. Just as Pike reaches me, Gill stands up, and is hit in the head with a spear...

Grayling Odair (District 4)

I stand in the cornucopia, armed with a spear in each hand. I've already killed five tributes so far... Bonnet, Auta, and Hippolytus, who were  standing still on their podiums. How weak of them to not even attempt to swim.

After I killed them, I was approached by Aquario, who I easily threw a spear into.

After Aquario fell to the floor, I pulled my spear out of him, and took a lucky shot at one of the weaklings trying to escape. I noticed that I killed Gill when his body falls to the ground. We all knew he wouldn't win this.

Only seconds later, Every tribute is swimming away, dead, or escaping the cornucopia island. I'm the only one left up here!

As I go through the supplies on the island, I stab my spear threw every fallen tributes head, just to make sure they are dead. I find many backpacks, water bottles, bread loaves, and cheese blocks, which I will feast on later.

I soon notice a crate in the cornucopia that I haven't seen before. I look inside of it to see a large, black bear. If I release him when another tribute is on the cornucopia island, they are screwed. These games are going to be fun...

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