Assessment Scores (Game 2)

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Justice Flickerman (Capitol Interviewer)

"Justice Flickerman here with another Capitol Update! I'm Happy to give you the tributes of Game number twos assessment scores!" I say in a cheery voice.

"First up, Narelle Dixie, with a training score of 4.82. I wonder if she actually got this score, or if she is trying to act like a weak tribute. I guess we will have to wait and see!"

"Marsh Willie, with a training score of 8.02!"

"What a high training score for a short tribute like him!" I think to myself.

"Seana Leblanc, with a score of 2.00?" I say in a confused voice. I wonder what she did to receive a score so low?

"Marino West scored 9.84! I wonder what he did for such a great score!?"

No wonder Marino scored high. I wouldn't be surprised if he scored a 12 by just his beauty.

"Pike Tyson with a training score of 7.57!"

"Aquario Cresta with a score of 3.68." How pathetic.

"For the next assessment score, Gill was given 6.32!"

"Now what we've been waiting for.... Grayling scored 11.78!"

"That is the highest score we've seen in years!" I scream unbelievably into my microphone.

Once the crowd calms down, I proceed with the scores. "For the first score of District 5, Caidence Williams with a score of 10.02!"

"Another high score!" I say excitedly.

I quickly continue, having no time to waste.

"Astrid Danks scored a 7.87, and Genera Gillies score is 3.34."

A minor amount of applause is given for the pair, and I continue again.

"With a score of 4.23, Lumina Lunark!" Slight applause is given, before someone in the audience screams for me to hurry up.

I listen to this person, and continue. "Kinetica Jersete with a score of 6.50!" More applause is given than the last tributes received.

"Cardinal Chester with a score of 6.80!"

"Farlette Crossley with a score of 6!"

"Finally for District 5, Blue-Jay Nicholson earned a score of 6.10! That is a lot of sixes in a row!"

"Let's carry on with District 6's scores now. Corvette Rae, with a score of 8.23!" Applause I given almost instantly after I say her score.

"Tiberius Fauber scored a poor 1, while Minnesota Cassidy scored a magnificent 7!"

"Morph Rodriguez scored a 5.78, while his twin, Ling Rodriguez, scored a 5.71."

"Auta Malone scores a 4.22, and Hippolytus Xiao scored 4.56!"

"The last tribute, Bonnet Hayes, scored a 6.01!"

"I'll see you tomorrow evening for the tributes interviews!" I exclaim excitedly, and the cameras cut.

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