Black Heart's Conversation Room - Training Assessments - Part 2

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Selene Swift (District 1)

The arrow flies up into the ceiling, and hits a chandelier, causing it to fall down, to right where I stand. I quickly back away and prepare another arrow in my bow, and shoot at the chandelier right before it hits the ground. My arrow buries itself deep in the chandelier.

I thought the game makers would be impressed, but I guess not. I'm taken by Head Gamemaker Black Heart, to another room, but before we leave, a huge amount of avoxes begin to clean the shattered glass of the chandelier that lay on the floor.

In a private room, just Black Heart and I, they begin panicking, pacing back and forth, saying that if President Snow finds out about this, their good as dead. I apologize to Black Heart, having no clue that this could lead to their death.

Black Heart tells me that my assessment is over, and that I will be getting an average score, to cause no suspicion to President Snow.

I apologize one more time, before being dismissed back to my apartment. I did not know that this would be such a problem. I am capable of a high training score, but now I doubt I'll get a high one, most likely a 9, due to that being one of the main averages for a career to get. The second I enter my apartment, I go to sleep.

Carnelian Rovette (District 1)

What is taking Selene so long...? It has been over an hour since she had gone in for her assessment. That is when the next name is called. Finally! My turn! I can get some rest after this.

I walk into the training room and introduce myself, and say what I will be doing for my performance, camouflage.

The gamemakers were clearly shocked by this choice, but they excepted it. I soon began my assessment. I cover my body in a thick brown paint, trying my best to camouflage myself into one of the fake, but realistic trees in the room.

After a good five minutes, I am fully camouflaged. It is clear that I am not visible to any of the game makers, but they still applaud, before dismissing me.

Element Christelle (District 1)

I'm honestly terrified for my assessment, will my throwing knife aim be good enough? My name is called minutes later. I approach the heavy looking doors, that push in rather easily. I'm shocked by the wonderful sights in this room, the crystal chandelier hanging in the air. I thought there were two? That is what Black Heart said earlier. I guess he must have been mistaken.

I introduce myself to the assessors, who all give me a wave hello. I say that I will be performing with throwing knives, which creates a round of applause. Why do they keep applauding, I am not doing anything. I pick up a good amount of knives, and throw them at the target, my aim averaging around 5/10 points, which is amazing compared to some peoples capabilities. I am soon dismissed. I'm 69% sure the game makers were drunk.

Black Heart (Head Gamemaker)

After Element's okay performance with knives, Cyprus comes in, and introduces himself before saying that he will sword fight for his assessment.

To be honest, I do not pay very much attention to his sword fight with a peacekeeper until the end. How is Cyprus doing this amazing! He is quite impressive, winning the fight 19-2 in only ten minutes. Almost every gamemaker, including myself give him a standing ovation. He quickly bows, and dismisses himself.

Next is Aurelius Breen, who I have not liked very much. He seems somewhat "off" to me. He confidently introduces himself, saying that he will sword fight a peacekeeper for his assessment. I doubt he will beat Cyprus' amazing performance, but you never know what might happen!

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