Day 1: Bloodbath

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Beta Gates (District 3)

Once we are all in our holding rooms, the countdown time begins. 10. 10 more minutes until several people will suffer a painful death. Hopefully Alexa and I make it. We need to make it to the grand final. We need to do this for everyone. Our families, our friends. Our District. Our District needs this.

We are dressed in a heavy coat and long trousers, along with fluffy gloves a small beanie, and boots of our District color, which is yellow for me. 

"1 minute" the intercoms no longer cheery voice calls. Only one minute.

Alexa and I agreed that if there is an axe in the cornucopia, we will run to it together. If not, we will run in, get a small amount of food and water, and run away for our dear lives.

"10 seconds"

I get into my podium, where the countdown from 5 begins. 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. Here we go.

I'm slowly raised up my podium, into a beautiful looking winter wonderland. It is so hard to resist myself from jumping in the fluffy snow, but that would quickly result in my body being splattered. The countdown begins from 60.

I look at the cornucopia to see a few small axes, a bow with a quiver of arrows, a few packages of throwing knives, a few swords, and a few spears.

Surrounding the cornucopia is many backpacks, water bottles, and small containers filled with food.

Only 10 seconds left. 10, 9.


A cannon sounds. It does not come as a surprise to me that a tribute jumped off of their podium early. Cicero was not liked in the Capitol anyways.

The only people I feel sorry for, are Juliana and Mila, both filled with anger, as his blood is now caked all over their bodies. 3, 2, 1.

The gong sounds, and I focus on Alexa, who is sprinting into the cornucopia to my left, probably to grab one of the small axes available.

I sprint along with Alexa, trying to grab an axe for myself. "Help!" I hear. Just as Alexa is about to grab an axe, she is pinned to the ground by Ova. I quickly pick up an axe, and sprint as fast as I can to Ova, whose knife is about to enter Alexa's throat.

I have no choice. I throw the axe the 15 foot distance between us. Yes! The axe lands perfectly in her back. Alexa quickly jumps up, and says that she can not thank me enough. She grabs an axe, and a backpack, before we are long gone from the cornucopia.

Aroura Mayword (District 1)

I'm somewhat happy, and somewhat disappointed that we are in an ice cold arena. This will make it harder to not freeze to death. I wouldn't want to be like that girl 3 years ago who froze in her sleep.

Cicero jumps off his podium early. No surprise that he would try to kill himself. The Capitol would not let him win. The gong sounds.

I run forward as fast as I can to the cornucopia's back wall, where I grab one of the two spears, and begin to hunt for tributes. I find Javio, who tries to pick up a backpack, but he is unsuccessful with my spear in his back.

I laugh as he bleeds out. "Stop! Please!" He screams, me not listening. I soon pull my spear out of him, which makes him scream loudly, and then fall to the ground, silent.

I look at Mila, who is torturing a tribute, and scan my eyes around for Rare, who just threw a knife at Styleen. I run to him, and we begin to grab a few more weapons, and a backpack for each of us, before running away.

Mila Manstron (District 2)

After slowly dragging my knives across Carnelian's face, laughing evilly as I do so. After he is done breathing, I quickly get up and look for other tributes, but the only people left are Sirius, and Dart, who are both sprinting away.

I can't believe that the whole District 2 pack left me the cornucopia! They are probably scared of me. Especially Gallus, who I was not able to kill yet. I will make his death painful. I promise. No one volunteers when I'm about to....

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