Day 3: (Game 1)

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Dart Plummer (District 3) 12:02 AM

Only minutes ago, Justice announced that a feast will be occurring in the morning. This will be the perfect opportunity to test my trap! I make my way to the cornucopia, hoping that every tribute there is either asleep, or not paying any attention.

When there, I see Cache along with Mila. What an unexpected alliance. Cache is awake, while Mila sleeps peacefully.

I step on a branch, which triggers Cache to turn around and see me. I raise my hands, to which she mouths "come here, I will not hurt you." I believe her, and tiptoe to her, before listening to her talk.

"Mila is making me be her slave. She said that if I kill her she will haunt me, and I somewhat believe her, can you help me kill her?"

"I have a plan" I tell her. "Tomorrow morning is the feast, I am planning on placing a trap there, which causes the metal in the structure to be electrified. This will result in a tribute being electrocuted if they touch the structure."

"What a great plan!" Cache whispers back. "I will try my best to trick Mila into touching it."

I nod my head, and get to work on my project. There is no way I'll be attending this electric feast...

Clemensia Liu (District 2) 2:34 AM

It has been ten minutes since Juliana woke me up for the second watch, which I offered to take. I make sure that Juliana and Gallus are fast asleep, before grabbing many of their supplies, and even some of their throwing knives, and stuff them in two bags, before leaving them on their own.

I travel through the woods, for a good 10 minutes before climbing a tree, and quickly pass out, sure that I will not wake up for the feast.

Rare Gransor (District 1) 6:58 AM

Aroura and I wait in the forest surrounding the cornucopia, waiting for the feast table to rise, which should be any second now.

It is guarded by Cache, and a sleeping Mila, who does not seem to know that the feast is about to occur.

That is when Mila wakes up to the sound of metal rising. She pops up, and asks Cache "What is happening?"

"A feast" Cache replies, causing Mila to grab her weapon.

I can't believe that Mila did not know about the feast. Gallus and Juliana, along with Aroura and I, sprint into the cornucopia, to grab our feast bags containing our names. Gallus is successful in grabbing his, yet Juliana is not so lucky. Mila's knife sticks out of her brain.


Aroura keeps running, but I have tell her to come back. She does not listen, and continues running forward.

She makes a very close call with Mila's knife, but avoids it, and even manages to get her feast bag, and mine!

I sprint after her, and we run into the forest together. "Nice job! I was scared you were going to die!" I say excitedly to her.

"Never underestimate what I can do," she says, giving me my feast bag as we continue sprinting. After a good minute of running, we take a stop to open our feast bags.

Inside of Aurora's bag is a spear with a very sharp blade. She dances around in joy at the contents of her bag. Inside of mine is a whole picnic. It could have been better, but I am happy with what I got.

We slowly walk through the forest, occasionally taking stops to eat some of the cheese inside my picnic basket.

Mila Manstron (District 2) 7:02 AM

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