The Reaping Review (Justice's Fate...?)

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Justice Flickerman (Capitol Interviewer)

"5, 4, 3, 2, action!"

"It is your favorite, the one and only, Hunger Games interviewer Justice Flickerman!"

"First in District 1, we have Aroura Mayfield, age 17, and a volunteer. She seems pretty lethal if I do say so myself. I wonder if she will be making an alliance with any tributes? I guess we will have to wait and find out!"

"Next was a volunteer. 18-year-old Rare Gransor. He seems like a big threat to me, I would much rather fight Aroura in the arena then him. Shhhhh! Don't tell anyone but I'm rooting for him" I say to the cameras.

"Next we have Ova Mills. For a fifteen year old she seems very scary. Is it even allowed for someone her age to get a tattoo? Love the tattoo though."

"After Ova we have Malachite Forson, age 16. He is not talked about much here in The Capital. It has been rumored by one of our escorts that he is choosing to go solo these games! What a risk. You have all of my respect Malachite"

"Celestio Calving, age 17 was next! It is so nice how he said that he will kill, only if necessary. I wonder if he is telling the truth or not...."

"District 1's next tribute was 18-year-old Selene Swift! She seems pretty cool. I wonder how she will do in the arena?"

"The next tributes, Carnelian Rovette, and Element Christelle, were ages 15, and 13. It comes as a surprise to me that no one had volunteered after Selene! I wonder how these young tributes will do in the arena?"

"Next reaped was District 2's one and only Cyprus Castro. He seems like a big threat to me!"

"Aurelius Breen, the 17-year-old that came after Cyprus does not seem to like his district partner. I caught him giving Cyprus a bunch of dirty glances earlier."

"Juliana Potenzis was next! It has been rumored that she will be teaming with many other tributes, but I will not reveal who they are. Another reason to watch the games!" I exclaim.

"Gallus Heath, he is clearly not liked by Mila. Look at the faces she gave him while he was going up to the platform!"

"Speaking of 16-year-old Mila Manstron, she seems pretty badass to me!"

"Next was Septima Devion and Clemensia Liu, Both aged 17! Both of these girls could be  big threats!"

"The last tribute from District 2, a non-volunteer, Cicero Deltus! He does not seem very happy to be going into the games!"

"From District 3, the first two tributes, Dart Plummer and Javio Scrills, do not seem to like their escort. I wonder if one of these boys will make it to the Final Games?"

"Beta Gates, age 14 was reaped next. Despite crying during her reaping, she does seem pretty smart!"

"Sirius Bills, age 18. He seemed rather confident when walking up to the platform. This might mean that he could be a threat!"

"Alexa Macon did not even seem to be paying attention during her reaping! I'll leave it at that!"

"Styleen Taroi did not seem to be in a happy mood when she was reaped."

"The last two tributes were Cache Zeltonio and Link Omelle! They claim to be friends but I think they might be more than that." *wink wink*.

"That is all on Today's Capital Update! I'll see you next time! Bye!"

The camera is turned off and I am ushered back to the avox cell where my prosthetic younger is removed. I think about my next time to interview, in two days for the tributes training score reveals. Should I make a run for it? The peacekeepers could shoot me but that is better than the torture I've been given.

President Snow soon enters my cell and tells me "Thank you for not misbehaving during that last interview." I nod my head and smile at him, while sitting on my bruised knees on the hard, disgusting cement floor.

"You can have one last chance! Don't steal again!" President Snow shouts. I'm given back the prosthetic tounge and get to go back to my mansion.

Freedom! Finally Freedom! I exclaim as I enter my mansion relatively close to where the interviews are filmed. I've been held captive for just over 3 days for "stealing an empty carton of milk" that had been rolling around outside. I was going to throw it away, but I could not. Before I knew it, I was taken to President Snow, who had me locked up. I feast away at my food while rewatching the tape that I had just filmed.

Hopefully this freedom stays...

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