District 3's Interviews

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Justice Flickerman (Capitol Interviewer)

Dart slowly walks to the stage, letting the crowd take in his yellow suit and dark black pants, both covered in tiny green lightning bolts.

"What a fancy costume!" I tell him as he takes a seat.

"Thank you" he responds, looking at the ground more than he looks at me. At least this interview is somewhat normal unlike Clemensia's and Cicero's interviews.

"I've heard that your quite an electrician, are you going to use that to your advantage in the arena?" I ask.

"I'll try, but I can't guarantee," he says slightly more confidently.

"I'm really hoping to see some 'electrical deaths' in this game with the amount of District 3 tributes their will be in the games. That will make it different from the hand to hand combat that will mainly be used because of the career count this year." I tell Dart and the crowd.

"Oh trust me, you'll see some. By me or another, I promise you'll see some" Dart says, before winking in a charming manner. Boy, I cannot wait for the games.

Dart is cheered off of the stage as his interview comes to an end. Finally! The first normal interview in three tributes! Hopefully the next tribute, Javio, gives a normal interview.

Javio gives a normal, but quite boring interview. Following Javio is Beta. "Beta Gates!" Calls the intercom.

The petite girl walks to the stage in a short, but simple yellow dress. She smiles and says "Hi Justice" just before she takes a seat in the comfortable chair.

"Oh my! This chair is cozy!" She exclaims, causing the crowd, and myself to giggle.

"Of course they are!! They are Capital standard," I tell Beta. "Well anyway, let's get on with the interview!" I exclaim to her.

"One question that has been sent to us a lot, is if you have any strengths, like weaponry, toxicology,"

I'm cut of by Beta, who says "I'm okay with an axe, and okay in electrical knowledge," she says.

"Interesting... I hope that you use those skills to your advantage in the arena."

"I will try my best" she says, before exiting the stage even though she still had 20 seconds left.

"Sirius Bills!" The intercom practically screams. Sirius comes out in a lemon suit with several bow ties placed in his spiked hair. He is applauded by many citizens in the audience as he begins to toss the bow ties into the audience. What a smart act for him to do. This will definitely make him a Capitol favorite.

He soon takes a seat, and the interview begins. "I've heard that you got some fighting skills up your sleeve, would you mind sharing some of your talents with us?" I ask, the crowd beginning to cheer.

"If I make it far enough in the games, you'll see." He says, clearly not wanting to give away his skills to the other tributes.

"Let's hope you do!" I tell him in my casual cheery voice.

"If you could have one thing in the arena, what would it be?" I ask, trying to get him to say what he is skilled with.

Almost instantly, he answers "Water. I would much rather die in hand to hand combat than to something natural like starvation or dehydration."

He proves a great point. I would not want to die from dehydration either. That would be a slow, and torturous death.

"One last question for you, if you could bring anyone to the arena with you, who would it be?"

Without having to think about the question at all, he says "My girlfriends murderer. She got killed by someone a month ago. I have no evidence of who it could have been though."

"Oh my! Sorry for your loss. If you win the grand final, we could help find your girlfriends murderer, make them pay." I tell him, trying to get the sorrow off of his face.

I am unsuccessful. His interview ends with him slowly dragging himself off the stage. He is one of the tributes I want to win.

"Alexa Macon!" Calls the intercom, giving Alexa the signal to go onto the stage.

Alexa comes out in a breathtaking yellow gown, that reaches her ankles. I'm happy with her outfit, as it is more of an appropriate length than some other costumes.

"Hello!" Alexa calls as she takes a seat.

"Welcome!" I tell Alexa in an effort to get the silent crowd cheering. "I've heard that you will be making an alliance with Beta, what are your thoughts on that?" I ask.

"I think that Beta will be a good ally. She can fight, and she is very intelligent."

"Those are some great qualities an ally can have. You must be lucky." I tell Alexa.

"I am lucky, and thankful. She might be the key to us making it to the grand final." She says.

"I'm afraid your interview time is up," I say say to Alexa, who gives a wave goodbye to the now cheering crowd.

Styleen's interview is very bland, the only important information given is that she has two sisters.

"Next is Cache Zeltonio!" Calls the intercom. Cache comes out in a sparkling yellow gown covered in District Three's logo.

"Hello Cache, how's your time been in The Capitol?" I ask.

"My time here has been okay" she responds, clearly not brave enough to say that she hated it.

"About Link," I begin to ask,

"No, Just No!" She screams before getting up and storming off the stage.

"She must be angry!" I jokingly tell the crowd, who begin to laugh.

"Link Omelle" the intercom calls.

Link walks to the stage in a simple yellow shirt and brown trousers. Before he even takes a seat, he screams "Curse you Capitol, you will pay!" Before walking off of the stage."

What a strange last interview.


The next morning, tributes are given a short breakfast, before they are flown in a windowless hovercraft to the arena, where many, many, deaths will be made....

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