Day 2: (Game 2)

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Lumina Lunark (District 5) 5:58 AM

I barley got any sleep last night. I was too busy worrying about tributes hunting for me. I wasn't one hundred percent sure that I would survive the night.

I am restless. Many birds chirp rather loudly as faint sunlight begins to cover the arena.

These games have been a hell fest for me. Starvation and thirst aren't helping at all.
Along with starvation and thirst, I tripped over a large root, and busted my knee, which made a bloody disaster over my pants.

My leg hurts when I move it. I think it is best for me to stay in the same spot and not move for a little while.

The pain still stings after a while. It is most likely because my dry blood is touching my fresh.

For most of the day, I decide to lay on the warm grass and rest my body, that is until I'm approached by a pack of squirrels...

At first, I mistakenly think that the squirrels are nice, until they begin to attack me.

In a panic, I wave my arms in every which direction, trying my best to get the animals off of me.

After a few minutes of biting me, which hurts, but not severely injure me, they leave and run away. How annoying of them to bite me.

Ling Rodriguez (District 6) 7:37 AM

When the sun rises fully, I wake Morph from his slumber. He spent the first half of the night spectating me while I slept, and I agreed to take the second watch, and allow him to sleep.

Right when I wake up Morph, he mutters something about food, and begins to come to his senses.

"How long did I sleep for?" He asks me.

"Five hours?" I tell Morph as an estimate.

"I want to go to the cornucopia and get some food." Morph tells me after a few seconds of silence.

"I'm down, unless Grayling is there. We have no weapons, so there will be no way we can fight off that demon!" I exclaim to my twin.

Morph agrees to this plan, and we begin our journey to the cornucopia.

A few minutes go by, until we're peaking through the trees, looking on to the cornucopia island for any tributes. Luckily for us, we do not see any.

The two of us strip most of our clothing, so it won't get wet, and begin to swim to the cornucopia island.

We swim quickly, and get to the island within a few seconds. We waste no time in beginning to choose what we will taking.

I grab a backpack, and a water bottle, and Morph grabs the only other item here, a sword.

We swim off with our belongings, happy with what we got.

When arriving at our camping spot, we have a discussion about hunting for tributes.

"I want to go hunting with this new sword!" Morph exclaims.

"I don't want to have to kill anyone! Let's just stay here and let the other tributes kill each other." I say back.

"Well I'm going, you are welcome to come" he says to me.

I frown, and watch him walking away, not looking back.

I quickly grab all of our supplies and follow Morph. When I catch up to him, he does not seem to happy to see me. He mutters a few words, and the two of us begin to head west through the grassy landscape.

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