Day 2: (Game 1)

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Dart Plummer (District 3)

I wake up in my tree, still high above the ground. I am lucky that I did not fall to my death like a tribute a few years ago. She must have suffered a painful death.

I open my backpack and use the few ropes and wires I have, to continue on a plan I have created since being reaped. If there is a main event at the cornucopia, like a feast, I will connect these wires to the cornucopia, which will give off a massive electric shock to anyone who enters.

I take a sip from my water bottle as I look down to my half made creation of wires and ropes. Some people may think that I'm crazy. But crazy can be it's own way.

Mila Manstron (District 2)

The second I wake up, I start hunting, wanting to find some kind of animal, or even better, a tribute. I bring one singular backpack with me as I leave my cornucopia den.

I walk through the heavy snow, it pounding down on my hair as I walk. I soon find some tributes, all of whom are still asleep. It is the main career pack. I do not care if there are five of them, the main part is that they are all asleep.

I walk over, three throwing knives in hand, before I begin to throw. My first goes in Aurelius' brain, causing his cannon immediately.


This wakes the other tributes, who I throw my two remaining knives at, one landing in the snow, and the other landing in Septima's stomach, causing her to fall to the ground.

They are too busy nursing her to chase me. I sprint back to the cornucopia as another cannon sounds.


This cannon probably belongs to Septima. "That was a smart plan" I say to myself as I grab a few throwing knives from inside the cornucopia. It was easy. Almost too easy.

I snack on some dried beef and water as I look at the sun rising. It is such a beautiful sight for the arena. Who would not want to see a sunrise right before they're about to get slaughtered?

I continue to rest in my cornucopia, not allowing any tributes to come in, and take my supplies.

I think of an idea that will take up some time, and might be helpful later. I start rolling out snowballs. Many snowballs.

I make snowballs for at least two hours. Creating enough to fill the whole cornucopia. It is amazing what you can do with this amounts of snow.

Aroura Mayword (District 1)

Rare and I grab our goodies, before going out to hunt for some food, which our backpacks were lacking. We kill a few deer, which we take back to our camp just north of the cornucopia, where Rare starts a fire, and I roast the animals.

Once our feast is done cooking, we eat away at the deer, occasionally drinking some water. I feel stuffed when we are done eating, but I want to hunt for tributes. I give Rare this idea, but he quickly rejects, saying that there are still large packs of tributes in the arena.

He is right, but I still want to hunt for tributes. "I am going hunting, you can come or stay here" I say before leaving, expecting Rare to come rushing after me.

Instead of rushing after me, he sits still. "Come on, please!" I beg to him, who still refuses to come. That's his loss. When I find a tribute and take their goodies, he is not having any.

I grab my backpack, and begin my journey south of the cornucopia. My heart beats as my feet pound on the fluffy snow. I do regret leaving Rare, but he cannot know.

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