The Second Reaping Review (Justice's New Wig)

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Justice Flickerman (Capitol Interviewer)

"Welcome back to Capitol Updates! This is the reaping review of the second round of the 100th Hunger Games!"

"Before we begin, welcome my new wig, Yustice!"

"I bought Yustice at the infamous wig store just a couple days ago."

"Let's get back to the reaping reviews. The first tribute reaped was 17-year-old Narelle Dixie from District 4. She seems like one of the more intelligent tributes in this batch of tributes. I wonder what we will see from her in the arena?!"

"After Narelle, Marsh Willie, aged 18, was reaped. Marsh seems like a tribute that won't go to far. I'd be surprised if he survives the bloodbath!" This causes some laughter from the crowd.

"Next was Seana Leblanc, who performed an amazing original song for us. I hope she as some songs in store for us when she's in the arena!"

"The stunning 18-year-old Marino West was selected next. He will have no problem getting female allies, or sponsers!"

"Mr. Robot Hand: Pike Tyson, age 15 was reaped next. He says that he had to get a prosthetic hand due to another tribute, Grayling, biting it off a few years before. I wonder how Pike will respond to Grayling being reaped? I hoping for some drama and action between the pair!"

"18-year-old Aquario Cresta was next to be reaped. In this interview stage, we've dubbed him as 'The Fish Bandit!'"

"A younger tribute, 13-years of age, Gill Raymond! He seemed pretty calm during his reaping unlike many past tributes that were known for being younger. Maybe this calmness will come in handy in the arena."

"The last Tribute of District 4 was Grayling Odair. All we know about her, is that she is feisty. She proved this by biting off Pike's hand a few years back. Shouldn't she be in prison for that?"

"The first tribute of District 5 was Caidence Williams. I wonder if she will prove herself weak, or strong. I guess we will have to wait for her assessment!

"Astrid Danks and Genera Gillies were next to be chosen. They both deemed themselves as the 'crybaby' tributes by crying during their reapings. I think they should be honored that they have the opportunity to fight for their District."

"16-year-old Lumina Lunark was reaped next. She proved herself to be different, and more Capitol like, by her dark purple hair. I wonder how she got ahold of the dye? I guess we can ask during her interview. Let's just hope I remember!"

"Kinetica Jersete was selected next. With this amount of female tributes from 5, it is so far proving to be a 'girly District' this year."

"After Kinetica, the first boy of the District was reaped! 13-year-old Cardinal Chester. You never underestimate anyone by there age. This means that he could potentially be a threat in the arena! I guess we'll have to wait and see!"

"Now one of many Crossley's reaped for the games, we have Farlette Crossley, age 15! I wonder if she will have the knowledge many of her ancestors had?"

"The last tribute of District 5 was a boy! 17-year-old Blue-Jay Nicholson! He seems like a strong tribute. I hope he is a fighter!"

"The first tribute of District 6 is Corvette Rae! What a fabulous name! Corvette seems like a tribute that could be hiding something. Keep your eyes out tributes!"

"Tiberius Fauber looks like a morphling addict. If he is, we can almost guarantee he won't be making it to the grand final!"

"Minnesota Cassidy, age 12, seems like a kind little girl. I can't wait to interview her in a few days!"

"Next reaped were the twins Morph and Ling Rodriguez! Does anyone else think they were named after the drug morphling? I cannot wait to see what the twins will have in store for the arena!"

"Auta Malone was selected next. Auta looks like an innocent young lady. I doubt she will be doing any killing."

"Hippolytus Xiao is the first Asian tribute we've had in years. This can become a bond between the two of us because I'm Asian too!"

"The last tribute for this round is Bonnet Hayes. I believe that she is a Victor relative. She has to be related to the Victor Megan Hayes somehow!"

"That was your reaping update! Next time I will see you is during the interviews! Have a great week!"

The cameras shut off, and I stroll happily back to my mansion, where the love of my life Mercy Hartman waits.

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