Never Underestimate - Tribute Assessments - Part 1

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Aroura Mayword (District 1)

Right before any tributes will be called up to perform their assessment, The Black Heart's voice comes on the intercom, saying "Every tribute will perform for us game makers, and in return, be given a score from 1-12." Only four tributes ever have scored a 12. I hope to be the fifth.

I wait unpatiently for me to be called for my assessment. Since I was the first tribute chosen in District 1, I will be the first tribute to go, meaning Link from 3 will be last.

"Aroura Mayword, District 1" says a cheery voice on the intercom. I skip through the assessment room doors, and see a large room that looks similar to the training center, just smaller. I introduce myself quickly, before walking towards a cart containing spears. I grab a single one. I slowly walk to a large archery target and throw. My spear lands in the section that would score 8/10 in a spear throwing competition that would happen often back in District 1, which is good, but not good enough. I get another spear, and take extra time to throw. The spear also lands 8/10. If I get another 8/10, I might be scoring a gross 9! I can't be the filthy career that scores a 9. I need at least a 10.

I decide to throw one final spear, if it lands bad, I will be done, but if it lands good, I will continue to throw. The third spear lands straight on the 9/10, almost touching the edge of 10/10. Yes! I finally threw a worthy spear! I'll throw a few more, I think to myself, grabbing another spear. I throw the spear, it landing on 6/10. I'm done! No way! I'm done! I say "Thank you!" To the gamemakers, and quickly storm out of the assessment room, stomping back to my apartment.

The Black Heart (Head Gamemaker)

After Aroura leaves the assessment room somewhat early, Assistant Gamemaker Prior, calls in Rare Gransor. He confidently walks through the training doors, introducing himself almost immediately, then saying for his chosen performance, he will fight two of the new Capitol Robots, each on difficulty 4/5, which would average to a training score of 8.

These new Capitol Robots are programmed to be used as avoxes, or to fight against tributes. The two robots he is given to fight both hold a plastic spear, which will slightly hurt if he is hit with them.

The robots are released. Both of the robots zoom as fast as they can to Rare, choosing to poke their spears at him, instead of throw. Rare takes one of his throwing knives and buries it deep into one of the robots "eyes". This robot instantly falls to the ground, and a small buzzing sounds comes from it, meaning that Rare had "killed" that robot. The other robot pokes his spear into Rare's back, but this does not seem to harm him at all. Rare proceeds to pick up the 200 pound robot, and throw it far across the room, leading it to split in half once touching the floor. All of us gamemakers give him a huge round of applause, and he is dismissed.

The next tribute called in is Ova Mills. She walks through the room with a stunning grin pasted on her face. She is clearly excited to perform, I whisper to my fellow Gamemakers, causing them to chuckle together. I ask Ova what she would like to do for her assessment to night, to which the answer I'm given is "I will be doing the throwing knife simulation." She walks over to the simulation, a good amount of knives in her hand. The simulation soon begins.

Two holograms come running at Ova, both with large swords in their hands. She throws two knives at the same time almost, both hitting the stomachs of the holograms, causing them to evaporate, and the knives to fall to the ground. This process repeats, just different amounts of holograms with different weapons each time. Ova does amazing, managing to take out all holograms, except for one, which "kills" her with a bow and arrow. Ova had four seconds remaining on the clock, causing her to be one of the best people in the simulation we have ever seen.

Ova dismisses herself, and the next tribute is called in. "Malachite Forson, District 1" he says, walking over to a sword. He says that he will be sword fighting one of the head peacekeepers, who grins and nods. The two are placed in the appropriate armor, and the fight begins.

The peacekeeper scores rather easily against Malachite, but he manages to fight well. The fight ends with the peacekeeper winning 9-6. This was not the best performance, but he was almost guaranteed a score of at least 6.

Celestio Calving (District 1)

My name is called next. I excitedly hop up from my chair, where I had been talking with Selene and Element, who now cheer me on as I enter the assessment room.

The big room with dark lights feels rather intimidating. I introduce myself, and say what I will be doing for my assessment, Katana fighting, and if I have enough time, spear throwing.

I request two robots on level 3/5, and two robots quickly come out, both with plastic daggers. The fight begins.

Both of the robots burst forwards to me, swiping their daggers in all sorts of directions. I easily swipe both of the robots to the ground within a minute of the fight beginning. I am given a round of applause. I am told by The Black Heart that I will have enough time to perform spear throwing as well.

I cheer in my head as I make my way to the spears, shining bright on a small cart. I pick up one, and throw it at an archery target, it scoring 9/10. This impresses the game makers, who tell me to throw again.

I grab another spear and make the few steps back to the archery target I'm using. I throw the spear, watching it soar through the sky, then smacking itself straight into the section, scoring me 8/10.

I'm given a round of applause, and excused. I cheerfully make my way back to my apartment, crossing an annoyed Aroura, who mutters "Who are you looking at" when I cross her.

Selene Swift (District 1)

"Selene Swift, District 1" I hear on the intercom, shocked it is already my turn. I feel bad leaving Element lonely, but I have to. I give her a quick "Goodbye!" Before making my way into the assessment room.

I'm greeted by The Black Heart, who is surrounded by many dim lights, and other game makers whose faces are not identifiable from the far distance I stand at. I announce that I will be performing archery for my chosen skill.

I must be the first to do archery tonight, because the bow is the only weapon not covered with fingerprints. I pick up the bow, and place a quiver containing of 6 arrows on my back. I stand on the red line, signaling where to shoot from. I shoot my first shot, not aiming at the target, but instead, something much better.....

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