District 5 Interviews

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Justice Flickerman (Capitol Interviewer)

"Everybody, welcome Caidence Williams!" I exclaim.

Caidence does a 'glimmer wave' before showing off her silver dress with golden leggings. Such a fancy outfit.

After taking a seat next to me moments later, I begin her interview. "I've heard you have quite the experience with bats. How did you learn to use them?" I ask.

"My father works in the main metal supply for my district, so he'd always bring home some pieces of metal in the shape of a bat. I would use this as experience against an old tree in my small yard. I eventually got good with them." She says happily.

"That experience might just save your life in the arena!" I exclaim, before moving on.

"How have you been enjoying The Capitol over the past few days?" I ask Caidence.

"I've been loving it! There is all sorts of luxury that we don't have back in my district! It would be quite nice to see my family again, but that does not change the fact that The Capitol is amazing."

"Great points!" I exclaim.

"How would you fight off a tribute big you did not have a bat?" I ask.

"I would tackle them to the ground, and punch them to death." Caidence says without having to think. 

"We better hope your strong if you don't get a bat!" I exclaim to Caidence, who begins to giggle.

The interview is concluded, and Astrid Danks is called to the stage.

Astrid comes out in a stunning pink dress, that blends greatly with her black lochs. "Hello Astrid! What a fancy outfit your wearing tonight!" I say in a party mood.

"Thank you Justice, your Yellow wig isn't looking so bad on you!" She says back to me.

Just as she says this, a mouse runs across the stage. I don't think anything of it, until many of them are running from all directions!

A few people in the audience call exterminators, while other sit, and remain calm. The other people begin to panic, and sprint out of the interview complex.

Everyone is soon piled on the street, outside of the interview complex, while the exterminators come out of the building, and say that we won't be able to come in for three days. That is very unfortunate because the games begin tomorrow morning. I guess the interviews will have to be cancelled.

That is when I get the idea...

We can have victor interviews! Starting after these games, we can interview all of the victors of this game before they go to the grand final!

I suggest this idea to President Snow, who happily accepts. These victor interviews will be exciting...

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